Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2017-359-1
Additional reference: 2017-359, 2017-359-2 and 2017-359-3
Ottawa, 26 October 2017
Call for comments on the Governor in Council’s request for a report on future programming distribution models – Extension to the deadline to file comments
New deadline for submission of comments: 1 December 2017
- Further to Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2017-359, the Commission received procedural requests from the Forum for Research and Policy in Communications and the Coalition pour la culture et les médias requesting an extension to the deadline for submitting comments.
- The Commission recognizes the vital role that public consultation plays in all of its processes and in this process in particular. In Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2017-359, the Commission announced the first step it intends to take in consulting Canadians and various stakeholders to develop the report requested by the Governor in Council. The Commission anticipates that this report will play an important role in the development of future policy and regulatory approaches to program distribution.
- In light of the Governor in Council’s request that the report be completed as soon as feasible, but no later than 1 June 2018, the Commission considers it essential to establish a public record expeditiously in the first comment phase in order to assist and inform interested parties who wish to participate in the second phase.
- Therefore, having considered these requests, the Commission announces that the deadline for submitting comments in the first phase of this process is being extended to 1 December 2017.
- The Commission wishes to reassure all parties that in the second phase, parties will be allowed to file new evidence, as well as submit further evidence in support of their initial interventions. The Commission will also consider other means of consulting Canadians with a view to providing the best possible response to the Governor in Council’s request within the established timeframe.
Secretary General
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