Telecom Order CRTC 2017-312-1

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Reference: Telecom Order 2017-312

Ottawa, 12 September 2017

File numbers: Bell Canada Tariff Notices 7522, 7522A, 7524, 7524A, and 7534; Cogeco Tariff Notices 56 and 57; RCCI Tariff Notice 48; and Videotron Tariff Notice 53

Interim rates for disaggregated wholesale high-speed access services in Ontario and Quebec


  1. The Commission is issuing a revision to paragraph 49 of Interim rates for disaggregated wholesale high-speed access services in Ontario and Quebec, Telecom Order CRTC 2017-312, 29 August 2017, to clarify the extent of tariff approval.
  2. For ease of reference, the revised paragraph is reproduced in its entirety below, with the change highlighted in bold italics. This revised paragraph replaces paragraph 49 of the original order.

    49. In light of the above, the Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Canada’s and the cable carriers’ tariff applications, including the proposed rates, terms, and conditions, with the rates subject to the revisions set out in Appendix 1 to this order. The approved rates include access rates for FTTN- and FTTP-based disaggregated wholesale HSA services, capacity rates per 50 Mbps, and associated service charges for Bell Canada and the cable carriers, as well as rates for Bell Canada’s meet-me point. Any rates proposed in the companies’ tariff notices that are not listed in Appendix 1 are approved on an interim basis without changes. Explanations of the Commission’s adjustments are summarized in Appendix 2.

Secretary General

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