ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Richard Hinse (Calgary 9-1-1, Calgary Community Standards)
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Ottawa, 22 July 2016
Our reference: 1011-NOC2016-0116
Richard Hinse
Calgary 9-1-1, Calgary Community Standards
The City of Calgary
Re: Establishment of a regulatory framework for next-generation 9-1-1 in Canada, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2016-116 – Requests for information
Dear Mr. Hinse:
Pursuant to the procedure set out in Establishment of a regulatory framework for next-generation 9-1-1 in Canada, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2016-116, 29 March 2016, attached are requests for information addressed to the Calgary 9-1-1, Calgary Community Standards.
Responses to these requests for information are to be filed with the Commission by 23 August 2016.
Original signed by Kim Wardle for/
Sheehan Carter
A/Director, Competition and Emergency Services Policy
Telecommunications Sector
c.c. Renée Doiron, CRTC, 819-997-2755,
James Ndirangu, CRTC, 819-997-3670,
Attach. (1)
Attachment 1
- Are there any specific challenges associated with handling calls from Canadians with disabilities? If so, provide details and any recommendations on how the identified challenges can be resolved in an NG9-1-1 environment. Also provide an overview of any adopted special procedures, along with an explanation on how these procedures: (i) meet the needs of Canadians with disabilities, and (ii) can be maintained or enhanced in an NG9-1-1 environment.
- Provide your view on the effects on Canadians with disabilities of not supporting TTY calls in an NG9-1-1 environment. Include in your answer
- evidence of how much the number of 9-1-1 TTY calls have increased or decreased over the period from 2010 to 2015, and the projected use of TTYs for 9-1-1 calls from 2016 to 2020; and
- barriers that would be created to access 9-1-1 services for Canadians with disabilities should an NG-9-1-1 environment not include TTYs
- In paragraph 12 of your intervention, you referred to 9-1-1 services that are currently managed manually, such as alarm monitoring calls, and vehicle automatic crash notification system calls. Describe the various methods of 9-1-1 communications that are currently managed manually by your PSAP, including the benefits and challenges of these methods. Include volumes and trends, if available. How could the processing of these types of 9‑1-1 communications change in an NG9-1-1 environment?
- In paragraphs 32 to 34 of your intervention, you submitted that developing an NG9‑1-1 mobile application may provide a transparent, end-to-end connection between users and PSAPs.
- Provide your view on the feasibility, benefits, and/or challenges of developing such an application, which entities should be responsible for developing and managing such an application, and if such an application should be built for use across Canada.
- Provide your view on the functionality that could be provided through this application.
- Provide your view on the feasibility, benefits, and/or challenges of funnelling text messages in which emergency responses are requested via a mobile application.
- Provide your view on whether such an application could be used to collect additional user-inputted data, the data that should be collected, as well as the benefits and challenges of this approach.
- Provide details on whether other countries have developed mobile applications and what lessons were learned?
- Leveraging lessons learned during the recent rollout of Text with 9-1-1 for Canadians who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a communication disability, should the rollout of NG9-1-1 services be coordinated and rolled out at the regional, provincial, or individual PSAP level? Explain the benefits, challenges, and risk mitigation strategies associated with your proposal.
- Refer to paragraph 18 of your intervention, in which you submitted that you have experienced multiple situations in which multimedia (e.g. pictures and videos) collected by PSAPs (outside the analog 9-1-1 system) and pushed out to emergency responders has informed a more appropriate emergency response with positive outcomes. Provide examples, including impacts and lessons learned, in which this model has been used and the technology employed to do so.
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