ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Michael Garbe (Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.)

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Ottawa, 22 July 2016

Our reference:  1011-NOC2016-0192


Mr. Michael Garbe
Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
107-85 Curlew Drive
Toronto, Ontario  M3A 2P8


Re: Examination of differential practices related to Internet data plans, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-192, 22 July 2016 – Requests for Information

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to paragraph 37 of Telecom Notice of Consultation 2016-192, attached are requests for information from the Commission.

Responses to these requests for information are to be filed with the Commission by 12 August 2016. The responses must be received, not merely sent, by this date.


Original signed by

Andrew Falcone
Senior Manager, Strategic Planning and Research
Telecommunications Sector
c.c.:  Suneil Kanjeekal, CRTC, 613-668-6561,
Josiane Lord, CRTC, 819-576-2568,
Eric Macfarlane, CRTC, 819-997-4389,

Attach. (1)


  1. Considering your intervention with respect to permitting differential pricing of certain categories, classes, types, etc. of applications:
    1. Define precisely what categories of service for which you think differential pricing would be acceptable
    2. What criteria you would use to define categories of service?
    3. What services would be included and excluded from them, why?
    4. How would the distinction between categories of service be compliant with section 27(2) of the Telecommunications Act.
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