ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter Addressed to Véro Leduc (Centre québécois pour la déficience auditive (CQDA))

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Ottawa, 9 August 2016


Ms. Véro Leduc
Director General
Centre québécois pour la déficience auditive (CQDA)

Dear Madam Leduc:

Re: Request to extend the intervention period deadline (Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-225)

We are in receipt of a letter from the Centre québécois pour la déficience auditive (CQDA) relating to the renewal of television licences held by large English-language and French-language ownership groups, as outlined in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-225 (BNC 2016-225). In its request, the CQDA indicates that due to the summer holidays, the members of its closed captioning committee were unable to meet to draft a memorandum and submit it before the end of the intervention period indicated in BNC 2016-225-1. For this reason, the CQDA requests that the intervention period be extended to September 9, 2016.

In Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-225-1, the Commission already extended the intervention period for this proceeding following the applicants’ request dated July 20, 2016, in which Bell Media Inc., Corus Entertainment Inc., Quebecor Media Inc. and Groupe V Média Inc. (hereafter, “the applicants”) requested an extension to respond to the Commission’s follow-up questions with regard to the new Policy framework for local and community television, Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2016-224.

In order to provide the applicants with sufficient time to respond appropriately to the Commission’s questions and to enable interested parties to comment on the entire record, the Commission extended the intervention period to August 15, 2016, and the deadline for applicants to reply to August 25, 2016.

We are of the view that this period of time is sufficient to submit an intervention as part of this proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Pierre-Marc Perreault
A/Senior Manager,
English and Third-language Television and Television Operations

c.c.:,,, and

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