ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter addressed to Society on behalf of media

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Ottawa, 27 January 2016

By Email:

Re: Broadcasting complaint filed by Society on behalf of media relating to the community channel operated by Shaw Cablesystems Limited in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia (application 2016-0094-0)

This letter is in reference to the complaint filed by Society on behalf of media ( media) on 21 January 2016 alleging that the broadcasting distribution undertaking (BDU) Shaw Cablesystems Limited (Shaw) is operating their community channel in non-compliance with a number of their regulatory requirements, including local and access community programming (the complaint).

The number of complaints addressed to Shaw is numerous. Shaw is involved in the review of the policy framework for local and community television programming, announced in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-421 (the 2015-421 proceeding), the oral phase which began 25 January 2016. In order to allow the party sufficient opportunity to review the complaint and respond fully, the deadline for response by Shaw and reply by media will be the following:

Moreover, by no later than 8 February 2016, media must file proof of service upon the BDU against which the complaint was made. Proof of service must include the information detailed in section 20(2) of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Manon Auger by telephone at (819) 639-3481 or by e-mail at

Yours truly,

Original signed by

Michael Craig

A/Senior Manager, English Language Television

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