Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2016-216

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Reference: Part 1 application posted on 7 March 2016

Ottawa, 7 June 2016

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Various locations across Canada

Application 2016-0215-2

Various English- and French-language conventional television stations – Licence amendments related to coverage of the 2016 Olympic Games

  1. The Commission approves the application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for temporary relief from conditions of licence relating to described video and local programming for the English- and French-language conventional television programming undertakings listed in the tables below. The relief regarding the described video condition of licence will apply from 7 to 21 August 2016 inclusively, while the relief regarding the local programming conditions of licence will apply from 31 July to 21 August 2016 inclusively. The Commission did not receive any interventions regarding this application.

English-language conventional television stations

ProvinceCall sign and location
British Columbia CBUT-DT Vancouver
Alberta CBRT-DT Calgary
CBXT-DT Edmonton
Saskatchewan CBKT-DT Regina
Manitoba CBWT-DT Winnipeg
Ontario CBET-DT Windsor
CBLT-DT Toronto
CBOT-DT Ottawa
Quebec CBMT-DT Montréal
New Brunswick CBAT-DT Fredericton
Nova Scotia CBHT-DT Halifax
Prince Edward Island CBCT-DT Charlottetown
Newfoundland and Labrador CBNT-DT St. John’s
Northwest Territories CFYK-DT Yellowknife

French-language conventional television stations

ProvinceCall sign and location
British Columbia CBUFT-DT Vancouver
Alberta CBXFT-DT Edmonton
Saskatchewan CBKFT-DT Regina
Manitoba CBWFT-DT Winnipeg
Ontario CBLFT-DT Toronto
Quebec CBFT-DT Montréal
CKTM-DT Trois-Rivières
CKSH-DT Sherbrooke
CBVT-DT Québec
CKTV-DT Saguenay
CJBR-DT Rimouski
New Brunswick CBAFT-DT Moncton
  1. The current described video condition of licence requires the English- and French-language stations listed above to provide described video for a minimum of four hours per broadcast week, of which two hours must be broadcast in described video for the first time on the service.
  2. Moreover, the current local programming conditions of licence for the above-noted undertakings require:
    • the French-language stations to broadcast at least five hours of local programming each broadcast week;Footnote 1 and
    • the English-language stations that operate in metropolitan and non-metropolitan markets to broadcast at least 14 and 7 hours, respectively, of local programmingFootnote 2  each broadcast week.
  3. As stated in its previous decisions dealing with requests for exceptions during the Olympic games, the Commission considers that it is of value to viewers to receive broadcast coverage of special international events such as the Olympic Games, in which Canadians compete and participate in many ways. It is therefore of the view that the flexibility that the CBC has requested with respect to levels of local news and described video during the Olympic Games is appropriate and consistent with the flexibility granted by the Commission in previous decisions.
  4. To implement the relief from the described video condition of licence, the Commission adds the following condition to each of the broadcasting licences for the above-mentioned stations:

    For the period from 7 to 21 August 2016 inclusively, the licensee is relieved of the requirements set out in condition of licence 7 of Appendix 3 to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – Licence renewals, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-263 and Broadcasting Orders CRTC 2013-264 and 2013-265, 28 May 2013.

  5. Moreover, to implement the relief from the local programming conditions of licence, the Commission adds the following condition to each of the broadcasting licences for the above-mentioned English-language stations:

    For the period from 31 July to 21 August 2016 inclusively, the licensee is relieved of the requirements set out in condition of licence 14 of Appendix 3 to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – Licence renewals, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-263 and Broadcasting Orders CRTC 2013-264 and 2013-265, 28 May 2013.

    as well as the following condition to each of the broadcasting licences for the above-mentioned French-language stations:

    For the period from 31 July to 21 August 2016 inclusively, the licensee is relieved of the requirements set out in condition of licence 21 of Appendix 3 to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – Licence renewals, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-263 and Broadcasting Orders CRTC 2013-264 and 2013-265, 28 May 2013.

  6. The Commission encourages the licensee to provide described video where possible during the Olympic Games, including but not limited to non-sporting activities such as athlete profiles and human interest pieces. The CBC indicated that it would provide described video for the opening and closing ceremonies.
  7. The Commission reminds all broadcasting licensees that they are responsible for the programming content that they air and for ensuring that they respect the conditions set out in their respective licences at all times.
  8. The Commission expects all broadcasting licensees to explore all avenues prior to applying for temporary relief from a condition of licence and will only grant such relief on an exceptional basis.

Secretary General

*This decision is to be appended to each licence.


Footnote 1

As indicated in condition of licence 14 set out in Appendix 3 to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – Licence renewals, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-263 and Broadcasting Orders CRTC 2013-264 and 2013-265, 28 May 2013 (Broadcasting Decision 2013-263), for the Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto and Moncton stations, the five hours of Canadian local programming may be averaged over the broadcast year.

Return to footnote 1

Footnote 2

As indicated in condition of licence 21a) set out in Appendix 3 to Broadcasting Decision 2013-263, of the 14 hours of local programming to be broadcast by stations in metropolitan markets, 1 hour per week must consist of non-news local programming.

Return to footnote 2

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