Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2016-123

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Reference: Part 1 application posted on 1 February 2016

Ottawa, 5 April 2016

Mondo Globo Inc.
Across Canada

Application 2016-0104-7

Removal of MBC Channel (America) from the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution

  1. The Commission approves the application from Mondo Globo Inc. to remove MBC Channel (America) from the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution (the list). The Commission did not receive any comments in regard to this application.
  2. Mondo Globo Inc. indicated that it is in the process of registering the service as an exempt third-language service pursuant to New exemption order respecting certain programming undertakings that would otherwise be eligible to be operated as Category B services, and amendments to the Exemption order respecting certain third-language television undertakings, Broadcasting Order CRTC 2012-689, 19 December 2012. It further indicated that it has obtained the authorization from MBC Group for removal of the service from the list.
  3. The revised list can be found on the Commission's website at by clicking on "TV & Radio," "Programming" and "Access to programs on TV that aren't Canadian," and may be obtained in hard copy on request.

Secretary General

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