ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Grainne M. Grande (MTS Inc.)
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Ottawa, 17 November 2015
Our reference: 8665-C12-201507008
Ms. Grainne M. Grande
Director, Regulatory MTS & MTS Privacy Officer
MTS Inc.
333 Main Street, Room MP19C
P.O. Box 6666
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3V6
Re: Matters related to the reliability and resiliency of the 9-1-1 networks – Request for information
Dear Ms. Grande,
On 24 August 2015, MTS inc. (MTS) provided answers to the Commission’s request for information set out in Appendix 1 of Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-305, Matters related to the reliability and resiliency of the 9-1-1 networks.
MTS is requested to provide comprehensive answers, including any supporting information and rationale, to the attached request for information by December 1st, 2015.
If you have any questions in regard to the letter, please contact Mylène Germain at 819-635-4538 or, or Sylvie Labbé at 819-953-4945 or
Signed by Renée Doiron for/
Kay Saicheua
Director, Competition and Emergency Service Policy
Telecommunications Sector
c.c. Mylène Germain, CRTC, 819-635-4538,
Sylvie Labbé, CRTC, 819-953-4945,
Attachment -Request for information
- In its response to interrogatory MTS(CRTC)9July15_02, MTS provided information about the services the company provides as part of its 9-1-1 network. MTS indicated that its Centrex service is used as an alternate means to deliver 9-1-1 calls to a public safety answering point (PSAP) in the event of a tandem outage or should the PSAP lose connectivity to MTS’s 9-1-1 network.
- Justify how MTS’ Centrex service is a reliable back-up solution and describe how it compares, in terms or reliability and resiliency, to geo-redundant tandems.
- Provide a description, including relevant diagrams, of this Centrex back-up arrangement, including a description on how 9-1-1 calls are to be re-routed from MTS tandems to this arrangement.
- Indicate whether this Centrex back-up arrangement can handle the same volume of calls as each of MTS’s tandems that it backs-up.
- Provide the maximum amount of time required by your company to transition to this Centrex back-up arrangement in the event of a loss in connectivity. Describe the switch over process, including whether the steps taken are performed manually or automatically, and whether this process is transparent to 9-1-1 callers. Also indicate whether the potential exists for 9-1-1 calls to be dropped during the switch over and during the operation of the Centrex service. If so, provide an estimate of the potential number of dropped calls based on peak call volumes during the transition to and operation of the Centrex service.
- Describe the testing and maintenance for this Centrex back-up arrangement, including the PSAPs’ involvement in the testing. Also indicate for how long this specific back-up solution is expected to be in place and whether MTS has any plan to upgrade it prior to the transition to NG9-1-1.
- Indicate whether the other telecommunication service providers [TSPs] (i.e. competitive local exchange carriers and wireless service providers) are currently interconnected with MTS’s 9-1-1 network in a manner that enables 9-1-1 calls originating from their networks to be routed to PSAPs through this Centrex back-up arrangement. If not, provide the delays associated with the interconnection of these other TSPs in the event the PSAP loses connectivity to MTS’s 9-1-1 network.
- Indicate whether there is a Centrex back-up system for each of MTS’s tandems. Also indicate whether this Centrex arrangement is housed in the same central office as each of MTS’s tandems it backs-up, as applicable.
- Refer to responses to interrogatory MTS(CRTC)9July15_07 where MTS provided a summary of its findings regarding the vulnerabilities of its 9-1-1 network.
- MTS indicated that Confidential information
- Confidential information
- Confidential information
- Confidential information
- Confidential information
- MTS also indicated that Confidential information
- Indicate how long it would take MTS to Confidential information
Confidential information Provide the timelines, including key milestones and dependencies Confidential information
- Confidential information
- Indicate how long it would take MTS to Confidential information
- MTS indicated that Confidential information
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