ARCHIVED - Telecom Procedural Letter Addressed to William Sandiford (Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.)

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Ottawa, 2 October 2015

Our reference:  8661-P8-201510199


Mr. William Sandiford
Chair of the Board and President
Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
107-85 Curlew Drive
Toronto, Ontario  M3A 2P8

Re:  Part I Applications regarding Videotron’s practices related to its mobile wireless Unlimited Music service – Request for an extension to file interventions

Dear Sir:

The Commission is in receipt of a letter, dated 1 October 2015, from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) requesting an extension to the current filing date of 5 October 2015 for submission of interventions in the above-noted proceeding. CNOC submitted that, among other things, an extension is necessary to provide CNOC an adequate opportunity to fully review the record of the proceeding and prepare its intervention.  CNOC requested that the deadline for interventions be extended until fifteen days after Videotron has filed responses to the Commission’s upcoming requests for information or alternatively to 20 October 2015. On 2 October 2015, the Commission received a letter from Videotron opposing CNOC’s extension request. The Commission also received a letter dated 2 October 2015 from the Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic in support of CNOC’s request.

Commission staff considers that the current process – with interrogatories following the Respondent’s answer – is appropriate. In the circumstances Commission staff considers that an extension to the filing date for submissions is reasonable.

Accordingly, the Respondent may file its Answer and interested parties may file interventions with the Commission, serving copies on all other parties, by 14 October 2015.  The remaining phases of this process will be set out at a later date.

Original signed by

Andrew Falcone
Senior Manager
Strategic Planning & Research
Telecommunications Sector
c.c.:  Adam Mills, CRTC,
Benjamin Klass, 
Vaxination Informatique, 
Consumers’ Association of Canada, the Council of Senior Citizens’ Organization of British Columbia, and the Public Advocacy Centre, and
Bell Canada 
Bell Aliant, 
MTS Allstream, 
Independent Telephone Providers Association, 
Vidéotron, and and 
Globalive Wireless Management Corp., 
Data & Audio Visual Enterprises Wireless Inc., 
Canadian Network Operators Consortium, 
Canadian Cable Systems Alliance, 
Cogeco Cable, 
Shaw Cable, 
Fenwick McKelvey, Concordia University, 
Steven James May, Ryerson University, 
Samuelson‐Glushko Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic, and 
David Ellis, 
Teresa Murphy,

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