ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Philippe Gauvin (Bell Canada)

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Ottawa, 5 August 2015

Our reference: 8740-B54-201505695

By Email

Philippe Gauvin
Senior Legal Counsel
Bell Canada
160 Elgin Street Floor 19
Ottawa, Ontario  K2P 2C4

RE:  Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 518 and Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7459 – Withdrawal of Services

Dear Mr. Gauvin:

On 5 June 2015, the Commission received an application from Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) under cover of Tariff Notice (TN) 518 and Bell Canada under cover of TN 7459, in which the companies proposed to withdraw the following items from their respective Special Facilities Tariffs: Item 40.2 – National Origination and Item 75 – Dialed Number Transport Capability.

Commission staff is continuing its analysis of this file and has, concurrent with the sending of the present letter, issued interrogatories to Bell Aliant and Bell Canada. Owing to this ongoing analysis and the interrogatory process, this application will not be disposed of on the 45th business day following receipt.  However, the Commission intends to dispose of this application by October 2015.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public file.


Original signed by

Lyne Renaud
Director, Competitor Service & Costing Implementation
Telecommunications Sector
c.c.:  Matthew Alexander, Analyst, CRTC 819-934-1511,

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