ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Various Parties Interested in the Follow-up proceeding to consider implementation issues of disaggregated wholesale HSA services, including over FTTP access facilities
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Ottawa, 22 July 2015
Our reference: 8663-C12-2013136018638-C12-201509663
To: Distribution list
Subject: Follow-up proceeding to consider implementation issues of disaggregated wholesale HSA services, including over FTTP access facilities
Dear Madams/Sirs:
In Telecom Regulatory Policy 2015-326,Footnote 1 the Commission mandated the provision of disaggregated wholesale high-speed access (HSA) services, including over fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) access facilities, for the large incumbent carriers.
As a first phase in the implementation of disaggregated wholesale HSA services across Canada, the Commission directed Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco), Rogers Communications (Rogers), and Québecor Média inc. (Videotron) to file updated configurations for their respective disaggregated wholesale HSA service that were originally submitted as part of the proceeding initiated by Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2013-551.Footnote 2
The Commission recognizes that there are a number of issues when considering the implementation of a disaggregated wholesale HSA service that is to co-exist with an aggregated wholesale HSA service during a transition period, and be provided over various access technologies, including FTTP access facilities.
Issues include:
- the rate setting for each incumbent including whether a risk premium is required,
- how an incumbent carrier should provide a disaggregated wholesale HSA service that provides competitors with end-user access including through FTTP access facilities,
- how would both aggregated and disaggregated wholesale HSA services be supported at the same time, and
- what are the appropriate timelines for implementation.
Incumbent carriers will be expected to make proposals regarding any implementation issues during either the configuration or tariff process, where appropriate, for their respective disaggregated wholesale HSA service. In this regard, issues requiring policy determinations that are not directly related to rate setting are to be raised during the process initiated with the present letter.
The process and associated dates for this follow-up implementation proceeding will be as follows:
- Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, Cogeco, Rogers and Videotron are to file their updated disaggregated wholesale HSA service configurations with the Commission, and serve all parties identified in the distribution list, by 21 August 2015.
- Any party may file an intervention regarding the proposed configurations and implementation issues with the Commission and serve copies on all other parties, by 21 September 2015.
- Any party may file reply comments with the Commission, and serve copies on all other parties, by 2 October 2015.
In addition, attached are requests for information addressed to Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, Cogeco, Rogers and Videotron. Reponses to these requests for information are to be filed with the Commission by 21 August 2015.
As set out in section 39 of the Telecommunications Act and in Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961, Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in Commission proceedings, persons may designate certain information as confidential. A person designating information as confidential must provide a detailed explanation on why the designated information is confidential and why its disclosure would not be in the public interest, including why the specific direct harm that would be likely to result from the disclosure would outweigh the public interest in disclosure.
Furthermore, a person designating information as confidential must either file an abridged version of the document omitting only the information designated as confidential or provide reasons why an abridged version cannot be filed.
Original signed by J. Stefanik for/
John Traversy
Secretary General
Distribution List ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
RFI to Rogers and Cogeco
- For June 2015 (or for the most recent month of available data) provide the information requested below for your respective networks by province (Ontario and Quebec, as applicable):
- the total number of sites with cable modem terminating systems (CMTS);
- the total number of sites capable of providing high-speed Internet access services;
- the total number of wholesale aggregated HSA service end customers; and
- a breakdown of the total number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers by competitor (i.e. provide the name of each competitor making use of the service and the associated number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers).
- For June 2015 (or for the most recent month of available data) provide, in tabular form in an Excel spreadsheet, the information requested below for your respective company sites that contain CMTS within Ontario and Quebec:
- the name of each site that contains one or more CMTS;
- the geographical location of each site (i.e. civic address);
- the number of CMTS at each site;
- for each site, identify whether the site is designated as a head end by the company. If the site is not designated as a head end identify which head end it is associated with. Provide a separate explanation of how the site differs from a head end, and what connectivity is in place between the CMTS at the site and its associated head end;
- the number of cable subscribers (i.e. subscribers to cable TV) served by each site;
- the number of high-speed capable subscribers (i.e. subscribers who could get high-speed access services) served by each site;
- the number, for each site, of end customers subscribing to the company’s retail residential high-speed Internet access services;
- the number, for each site, of end customers subscribing to the company’s retail business high-speed Internet access services;
- the number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers by each site; and
- the three competitors with the largest number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers provisioned at each site. For each of the identified competitors, specify the number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers it serves at the site.
RFI to Videotron
- For June 2015 (or for the most recent month of available data) provide the information requested below, by province (Ontario and Quebec, as applicable):
- the total number of sites with cable modem terminating systems (CMTS);
- the total number of sites capable of providing high-speed Internet access services;
- the total number of wholesale aggregated HSA service end customers; and
- a breakdown of the total number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers by competitor (i.e. provide the name of each competitor making use of the service and the associated number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers).
- For June 2015 (or for the most recent month of available data) provide, in tabular form in an Excel spreadsheet, the information requested below for all company sites that contain CMTS:
- the name of each site that contains one or more CMTS;
- the geographical location of each site (i.e. civic address);
- the number of CMTS at each site;
- for each site, identify whether the site is designated as a head end by the company. If the site is not designated as a head end identify which head end it is associated with. Provide a separate explanation of how the site differs from a head end, and what connectivity is in place between the CMTS at the site and its associated head end;
- In Québecor Média(CRTC)24 Nov 2014-2 NOC 2013-551, the company stated that it had two configurations for head-ends: i) head ends with CMTS connected to backbone network routers within the head end, ii) head ends with CMTS that are connected to backbone routers at another head end. For each site identified in response to (a) that is a head end, identify the head end at which its CMTS are connected to backbone network routers;
- the number of cable subscribers (i.e. subscribers to cable TV) served by each site;
- the number of high-speed capable subscribers (i.e. subscribers who could get high-speed access services) served by each site;
- the number, for each site, of end customers subscribing to the company’s retail residential high-speed Internet access services;
- the number, for each site, of end customers subscribing to the company’s retail business high-speed Internet access services;
- the number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers by each site; and
- the three competitors with the largest number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers provisioned at each site. For each of the identified competitors at the site, specify the number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers it serves at that site.
RFI to Bell Canada and Bell Aliant
- For June 2015 (or for the most recent month of available data) provide the information requested below, by province, separately for Bell Canada and Bell Aliant, operating in Ontario and Quebec:
- the total number of central offices;
- the total number of central offices capable of providing high-speed Internet access services using digital subscriber line (DSL) and/or fibre to the premises (FTTP) technology;
- the total number of wholesale aggregated HSA service end customers; and
- a breakdown of the total number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers by competitor (i.e. provide the name of each competitor making use of the service and the associated number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers).
- For June 2015 (or for the most recent month of available data), provide, in tabular form in an Excel spreadsheet, the information requested below for each central office capable of providing high-speed Internet access services using DSL and/or FTTP technology. The information is to be provided by province, separately for Bell Canada and Bell Aliant, operating in Ontario and Quebec:
- the name of each central office;
- the geographic location (i.e. civic address) of each central office;
- the name of the exchange associated with each central office;
- the number of local wireline Network Access Services (NAS) served by each central office;
- the number of high-speed capable subscribers (i.e. subscribers who could get high-speed access services) served by each central office;
- the number of end customers subscribing to the company’s retail residential high-speed Internet access service at each central office broken down by DSL and FTTP technologies;
- the number of end customers subscribing to the company’s retail business high-speed Internet access service at each central office broken down by DSL and FTTP technologies;
- the number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers provisioned at each central office; and
- the three competitors with the largest number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers provisioned at each central office. For each of the identified competitors at the central office, specify the number of aggregated wholesale HSA service end customers it serves at that central office.
- Footnote 1
Content goes hereReview of wholesale wireline services and associated policies, Telecom Regulatory Policy 2015-326, 22 July 2015.
- Footnote 2
Review of wholesale services and associated policies, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2013-551, 15 October 2013, as amended by Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2013-551-1, 8 November 2013.
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