ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Esther Snow (Shaw Cablesystems G.P.)
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Ottawa, 9 July 2015
Our Reference: 8740-S9-201504168
Ms. Esther Snow
Manager, Regulatory Affairs
Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 4L4
Re: Shaw Tariff Notice 24
Dear Madam,
On 4 May 2015, the Commission received an application by Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (Shaw) under Tariff Notice 24, in which the company proposed to destandardize four service speeds from its Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) service.
Commission staff is continuing its analysis of the application. Consequently, the Commission was not able to dispose of the application within 45 business days following its receipt. The Commission intends to dispose of this application, along with any associated subsequent revisions, by the end of August, 2015.
Yours sincerely,
Original signed by
Lyne Renaud
Director, Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector
c.c.: Rizwana Alamgir-Arif, CRTC (819) 997-4651,
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