ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Dallas C. Yeulett (Northwestel Inc.)

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Ottawa, 28 May 2015

Our reference: 8640-N1-201502493


Mr. Dallas C. Yeulett
Senior Manager, Regulatory Compliance
Northwestel Inc.
PO Box 2727
Whitehorse, Yukon  Y1A 4Y4

Re:  Northwestel Inc. – Forbearance from the regulation of retail directory assistance services – Request for further information

Dear Mr. Yeulett,

In a letter dated 7 May 2015, Commission staff requested Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel) to provide answers to a request for information regarding the company’s application for the forbearance from the regulation of its retail directory assistance (DA) services. Northwestel provided its answers on 21 May 2015.

Northwestel is requested to provide comprehensive answers, including any supporting information and rationale, to the attached request for further information by 11 June 2015.


Original signed by

Kim Wardle
A/Director, Competition and Emergency Service Policy
Telecommunications Sector

c.c. Sylvie Labbé, CRTC, 819-953-4945,


Attachment - Request for further information

  1. Refer to responses to interrogatories NWTEL(CRTC)07May15_02 and NWTEL(CRTC)07May15_03 where Northwestel provided information with respect to its local and long distance DA services.
    1. Provide the methodology and assumptions, including supporting rationale, used to develop these responses.
    2. Indicate whether any local and/or long distance DA calls were made by Northwestel’s residential local exchange service subscribers in Alberta in 2014. If yes, provide the information requested in the interrogatories mentioned above for Alberta in 2014.
  2. Refer to the response to interrogatory NWTEL(CRTC)07May15_04 where the company indicated that it could not identify accurately what local exchange service subscribers also subscribe to mobile wireless and/or Internet services.

    For each territory and province where Northwestel provide local exchange services, provide estimates for 2014, broken down by residential and business local exchange subscribers, for the following:

    1. the number of Northwestel’s local exchange service subscribers who subscribe to mobile wireless services;
    2. the number of Northwestel’s local exchange service subscribers who subscribe to Internet services;
    3. the number of Northwestel’s local exchange service subscribers who subscribe to both mobile wireless and Internet services; and
    4. the number of Northwestel’s local exchange service subscribers who neither subscribe to wireless service nor to Internet services.

    The response should include the methodology and assumptions, including supporting rationale, used to develop these estimates.

  3. As part of its 21 May 2015 filing, Northwestel resubmitted Attachment 1 from its original application to correct errors in the total revenues and DA calls for 2014.

    Provide the methodology and assumptions, including supporting rationale, used to develop these revised numbers.

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