ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Jonathan Blakey (Bell Canada)

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Ottawa, 9 April 2015

Our reference: 8622-B2-201406976


Mr. Jonathan Blakey
Regulatory Affairs
Bell Canada
19-160 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2C4

RE: Bell Canada’s application for access to Plaza Corporation's Ivory on Adelaide multi-dwelling unit building

Mr. Blakey:

Following a request dated 2 April 2015 from Commission staff for an update with respect to the above-identified application, Bell Canada confirmed, in a letter dated 7 April 2015, that it had been receiving on-going access to the Ivory on Adelaide multi-dwelling unit (MDU) building from Plaza Corporation. Accordingly, Bell Canada indicated that the Commission's intervention is no longer required with respect to the issue of access to that MDU property.

In light of the above, no further action will be taken with respect to Bell Canada’s application and the file has been closed.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.: Howard Hacker, Plazacorp,
Pamela Dinsmore, Rogers Communications,
Danny Moreau, CRTC,

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