ARCHIVED - Telecom Procedural Letter addressed to Peggy Tabet (Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of Videotron G.P.) and Aldo Di Felice (Telelatino Network Inc.)

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Ottawa, 20 January 2015

File No. 2014-1195-9

By email

Peggy Tabet
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs
Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of Videotron G.P.

Aldo Di Felice
Telelatino Network Inc.

Re: Final Offer Arbitration between Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of Videotron G.P. (Videotron), and Telelatino Network Inc. (TLN)

This letter is to advise the parties that the request by both parties to extend the dates in the above-noted proceeding has been accepted.

Accordingly, the Commission sets out revised dates upon which the final offer arbitration is to be conducted. For all other matters with respect to the conduct of this proceeding, please refer to the 18 December 2014 letter from the Commission (the conduct letter).

The Request

In a letter dated 16 January 2015, Videotron and TLN jointly requested a further extension by amending the three dates in this proceeding, as follows:

Videotron and TLN indicated that discussions were continuing between the parties, both as regards to the scope of the final offer arbitration and potentially settling some or all of the issues in dispute.

The Determination

As noted in the previous extension granted in this proceeding, the Commission considers that there is benefit to allowing the parties more time to fully consider the scope set out in the conduct letter. Moreover, the Commission notes that additional time may allow the parties to settle some or all of the issues in dispute without the need for Commission intervention.

Accordingly, the request has been accepted.

Revised filing dates for documents

The following dates shall replace those specified in the conduct letter:


The Commission changes the dates for mediation set out in the conduct letter, to the week of 23 to 27 February 2015.


[Original signed by]

John Traversy
Secretary General

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