ARCHIVED - Broadcasting - Commission procedural letter addressed to Asha Daniere (Blue Ant Media Inc.)

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Procedural letter

Ottawa, 22 September 2015

By E-mail

Re: Application 2015-0983-7 to amend the condition of licence related to the broadcast of Canadian programs for Cottage Life

Dear Ms. Daniere,

This is in reference to the application by Blue Ant Media Inc. (Blue Ant) to amend the condition of licence related to the broadcast of Canadian programs for the Category A specialty service, Cottage Life.

In the cover letter and Exhibit A to the application, Blue Ant stated that the average Canadian programming exhibition requirement over the broadcast day for the five independent, privately-owned Category A services other than Cottage Life and Documentary is 46%. In a letter dated 17 September 2015, you noted that due to a calculation error, this number should have read 58% and requested that this information be added to the public record of the application.

Given that this is a correction to a calculation error, staff is of the view that it would be appropriate to add the 17 September 2015 letter to the public record of the application.

Considering the above, the timetable for the proceeding will not be changed.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Joelle Paré
Senior Analyst
English- and third-language television

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