ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter Addressed to Anthony Tibbs (Media Access Canada)

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Ottawa, 10 September 2015

Mr. Anthony Tibbs
Media Access Canada

By e-mail:

Re:  Part 1 application 2015-0701-3 by Shaw Communications

Dear Mr. Tibbs,

This is in response to Media Access Canada’s request to extend the intervention deadline of the Part 1 application 2015-0701-3 (the application).

Commission staff notes that Media Access Canada filed its own intervention before the intervention deadline for this process, as prescribed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Rules of Practice and Procedure.  In the weeks that have since passed, no additional interested parties have requested that an intervention be added to the public record of the application. 

In the event that any such interested party did wish to file a further intervention, it would be up to them to demonstrate why it should be accepted.

Accordingly, in the view of Commission staff, it is not necessary to deal with Media Access Canada’s request, given the absence of any person that wishes to file an intervention beyond the prescribed deadline.   

Should you need further information concerningthis procedural letter, please contact Tina Louise Latourelle by e-mail at, by telephone at 819-997-9392 or by fax at 819-994-0218.


Original signed by

Sheehan Carter,
Senior Manager, English- and Third-language Television

Television Policy and Applications
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