ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Commission Letter addressed to Peggy Tabet (Québecor Média Inc.)

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Ottawa, 11 August 2015


Ms. Peggy Tabet
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs
Québecor Média Inc.
612 St-Jacques Street
Montréal, Quebec H3C 4M8

RE: Documents filed on 31 July 2015 related to MAtv Montréal

Dear Ms. Tabet:

I acknowledge receipt of the documents filed by Québecor Média inc., on behalf of Vidéotron G.P. (Vidéotron), on 31 July 2015 related to MAtv Montréal.

In a letter dated 24 July 2015, the Commission requested Vidéotron to file the documents describing the measures that it has taken or that it intends to take to bring MAtv back into compliance in order for the Commission to place these documents on the public record of application 2013-1746-2. The Commission considered that it would be in the public interest for interested parties to have access to Videotron’s plan regarding MAtv as soon as possible.

I note that, in the documents submitted on 31 July 2015, Vidéotron designated as confidential appendices A and B, specifying the titles and synopses of MAtv’s programs. Vidéotron stated that the official unveiling of MAtv’s fall programming will take place on 16 September 2015 and that the disclosure of such programming before this date would likely cause direct harm to Vidéotron, harm that would outweigh the public interest.

I am of the view that the filing on the public record of the abridged documents submitted by Vidéotron would not meet the Commission’s declared objective, from its 24 July 2015 letter, to allow interested parties to have access to Videotron’s plan regarding MAtv. I consider the information designated as confidential by Vidéotron to constitute an integral element of Vidéotron’s plan to bring MAtv back into compliance and to be essential to the comprehension of the plan by interested parties.

Given the circumstances, I consider it to be in the public interest to place on the public record all documents submitted by Vidéotron, including the ones designated as confidential. Consequently, Commission’s staff will place such documents on the public record on 17 September 2015. Please confirm that Vidéotron does not oppose this action. Otherwise, please specify and justify the direct harm that Vidéotron could suffer from the disclosure of such documents after the official unveiling of MAtv’s fall programming, scheduled for 16 September 2015.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.           

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Renée Gauthier
Senior Manager, French-language Television
TV Policy and Applications

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