ARCHIVED - Procedural Letter addressed to Susan Wheeler (Rogers Media Inc.)
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Ottawa, 13 March 2015
Mrs. Susan Wheeler
Vice-President, Regulatory Media
Rogers Media Inc.
333 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 1G9
Re: Procedural Letter: application 2015-0115-6 – Request by Rogers Media Inc relating to Outdoor Life Network’s nature of service as well as its category of licence
Dear Ms. Wheeler:
This letter relates to the application by Rogers Media Inc. (Rogers) to amend Outdoor Life Network’s (OLN) nature of service definition and to convert its service to a Category B specialty programming undertaking.
In light of the Broadcasting Regulatory Policy Let’s Talk TV published on March 12th 2015, Commission staff is of the view that the application noted above could potentially be revised by the licensee, if it wishes to do so.
Please provide your response by no later than 6 April 2015 by using the secured service “My CRTC Account” (Partner Log In or GCKey) and send me a copy of your response at the following e-mail:
Please note that this letter will be posted on the Commission’s web site and will be added to the publicly accessible file of application 2015-0115-6 for public examination.
Should you need further information concerning this procedural letter, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail at the address above, by telephone at 819-953-4405 or by fax at: 819-994-0218.
Best regards,
Original signed by
Manon Auger
Senior Analyst
English and Third-language Television
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