ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter Adressed to Jean François Mezei (Vaxination Informatique)

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Ottawa, 11 February 2015

By email

Jean François Mezei
Vaxination Informatique

Re: File numbers 2015-0136-2 and 2015-0141-1 - Complaint by PIAC regarding CraveTV and Shomi services

Dear Sir:

Thank you for your letter dated 9 February 2015 in which you request the following:

However, Commission staff considers that it is not appropriate at this time to modify the process in relation to the complaints.

After having reviewed the various submissions filed in response to the above Part 1 applications, the Commission will determine whether additional process is required in order to gather as complete a record as necessary for the Commission to render a decision.

Staff notes that in order to avoid duplicative effort, parties are free to file a single submission in response to both applications. A copy of the submission will be added to the files of both applications.

Yours truly,

Claude Brault
Senior Analyst
Distribution policy and applications

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