ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Commission Letter addressed to Susan Wheeler (Rogers Media)

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Ottawa, 29 January 2015

Sent by e-mail:

Susan Wheeler
Vice President, Regulatory Media
Rogers Media
333 Bloor Street East, 6th Floor
Toronto, ON
M4W 1G9

Dear Ms. Wheeler,

Establishment of OMNI Television Advisory Councils – Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2014-399

We acknowledge receipt of your letter and report dated 28 November 2014 wherein you have advised the Commission of the establishment of three advisory councils for OMNI Television, in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, in accordance with condition of licence (COL) 11 of CRTC Decision 2014-399 (the Decision). Also received was the mandate for these councils and the list of their respective members. Commission staff is of the view that the material filed meets the requirements of the Decision.

We also acknowledge Rogers’ confirmation that it will submit annual reports once a year by November 30th following each broadcast year outlining each council’s activities and accomplishments, in accordance with COL 11 of the Decision.


[original signed by]

Peter Foster
Director General
Television Policy & Applications

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