ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Order CRTC 2015-485
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Ottawa, 29 October 2015
Broadcasting Licence Fees - Part II
- The Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations, 1997, SOR/97-144, as amended by SOR/2010-157, 7 July 2010 (the Regulations), provide for the payment of a Part II licence fee by certain licensed broadcasting undertakings. The revised Regulations were announced by the Commission in Amendments to the Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations, 1997, Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-476, 14 July 2010 (Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-476).
Sections 11(1) and 11(2) of the Regulations set out the components for the calculation of the Part II licence fees. As per these sections of the Regulations, the total annual amount to be assessed by the Commission is the lesser of:
- $100,000,000, which starting in 2011 is adjusted annually on a compound basis in accordance with the percentage increase or decrease to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the previous calendar year. The CPI is the annual average all-items CPI for Canada (not seasonally adjusted) that is published by Statistics Canada. As noted in Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-476, the Commission will use the CPI set out in Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 62-001-XWE, Table 5, CANSIM vector number v41690973. Part II licence fees assessed in 2014 totalled$107,280,394. For 2014, the annual average CPI was 2.0%. Thus the adjusted value of this component for 2015 is $109,426,002.
- 1.365% multiplied by the aggregate fee revenues for the return year ending the previous calendar year of all licensees whose fee revenues exceed the applicable exemption levels, less the aggregate exemption level for all those licensees for that return year (i.e. $12.082 billion). In 2015 this amounts to $164,924,534.
- Pursuant to section 11(3) of the Regulations, the Commission announces in this broadcasting order that the total amount of Part II licence fees to be assessed by the Commission in 2015 is $109,426,002, which is the lesser of the two amounts referred to in paragraph 2.
Secretary General
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