ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2015-407

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References: Part 1 applications posted on 21 April 2015

Ottawa, 28 August 2015

Lewis Birnberg Hanet, LLP
Across Canada

Applications 2015-0354-0 and 2015-0355-8

Addition of various non-Canadian programming services to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution

The Commission approves applications to add various non-Canadian programming services to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution (the list) and amends the list accordingly. The revised list is available on the Commission’s website at, by clicking on “TV & Radio” and selecting “Programming.”


  1. The Commission received applications from Lewis Birnberg Hanet, LLP, acting as the Canadian sponsor, to add the non-Canadian programming services listed in the table below to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution (the list). The Commission did not receive any interventions regarding these applications.
    Name of service Type of service Language of service Description of programming Country of origin of service Target audience
    Band News 24-hour news service 100% Portuguese-language provides international and national news stories, with a particular emphasis on news stories originating from Brazil and South America Brazil Portuguese-speaking men and women of all ages who desire an alternative source of news and information programming
    Band Internacional 24-hour general interest service 100% Portuguese-language provides news, information, lifestyle and human interest programming, as well as sports reports and sports talk shows Brazil men and women of Portuguese descent, particularly immigrants who formerly lived in Brazil or Latin America
  2. In Broadcasting Public Notices 2004-96 and 2008-100, the Commission stated that requests to add non-Canadian general interest third-language services to the list would generally be approved, subject to any requirement it deemed appropriate. In Broadcasting Public Notice 2008-100, the Commission stated that non-Canadian third-language services that provide narrowly targeted or “niche” programming would be subject to the same approach as non-Canadian general interest third-language services.
  3. Moreover, in regard to non-Canadian news services, the Commission considers a more open-entry approach to be consistent with the importance it places on a diversity of editorial points of view. Consequently, in Broadcasting Public Notice 2008-100, the Commission stated that absent clear evidence, as determined by the Commission, that a non-Canadian news service will violate Canadian regulations, such as those regarding abusive comment, the Commission will be predisposed to authorize non-Canadian news services for distribution in Canada.

Commission’s analysis and decisions

  1. In the absence of opposing interventions, and with respect to Band News, any evidence that the service would violate Canadian regulations, such as those regarding abusive comment, the Commission approves the applications by Lewis Birnberg Hanet, LLP to add the non-Canadian programming services listed in the table above to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution and amends the list accordingly. The revised list is available on the Commission’s website at by clicking on “TV & Radio” and selecting “Programming,” and may be obtained in hard copy on request.

Secretary General

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