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Ottawa, 28 July 2014
Our reference: 8620-C12-201407206
Distribution list
Re: Wholesale Domestic Wireless Roaming caps implementation
Dear Madam, Sir:
Effective June 19, 2014, section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act establishes a maximum amount that a Canadian carrier can charge to another Canadian carrier for certain domestic roaming services. The legislation provides a formula for calculating the maximum amount to be charged during a year by a Canadian carrier to a second Canadian carrier for roaming services with respect to the transmission of (1) all domestic wireless voice calls and the domestic portion of all international wireless voice calls; (2) wireless data in Canada; and (3) all domestic wireless text messages and the domestic portion of all international wireless text messages (the roaming cap).
To assist the Commission to fulfill its legislative mandate, Commission staff is seeking specific data in relation to the methodology and assumptions used by wireless service providers with respect to the calculation of the roaming cap(s) to which they are subject.
All wireless services providers identified in the distribution list are to file responses to the questions set out in Appendix A with the Commission by 27 August 2014. These submissions must be received, not merely sent, by that date.
This letter and, subject to the requirements of the Telecommunications Act, all subsequent correspondence received or sent will be put on the public record.
Original signed by
Chris Seidl
Executive Director, Telecommunications Sector
c.c.: Abderrahman El Fatihi, CRTC, 819-953-3662,
Lyne Renaud, CRTC, 819-953-5414,
Attach. (2)
Distribution list :
Bell Mobility Inc.,
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership,
Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited,
Hay Communications Co-operative Limited,
Rogers Communications Partnership,
TELUS Communications Company,
MTS Inc.,
Lynx Mobility Inc.,
Execulink Telecom Inc.,
Videotron G.P.,
Wightman Telecom Ltd.,
Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc.,
Bragg Communications Incorporated (EastLink),
Sogetel Mobilité inc.,
SSI Micro Ltd.,
Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd.,
Ice Wireless Inc.,
Dryden Mobility,
Fido Solutions Inc.,
Saskatchewan Telecommunications,
Télébec, Limited Partnership,
Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited,
NorthernTel, Limited Partnership,
Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (WIND),
Data & Audio Visual Enterprises Wireless Inc. (MOBILICITY),
- Confirm whether or not you are providing the wireless roaming services to a Canadian carrier with respect to:
- the transmission of domestic wireless voice calls or international wireless voice calls with a domestic portions (voice calls);
- the transmission of wireless data in Canada (data); and
- the transmission of domestic wireless text message or international wireless text messages with a domestic portion (text messages).
- For each of the three wireless roaming services, list each Canadian carrier to whom you provide the service and the rate or rates charged to that Canadian carrier as of the date of this letter.
- If you provide any of the services set out in 1above to another Canadian carrier, with respect to section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act,
- Provide the roaming cap that you have calculated for each of the wireless roaming services provided by your company effective 19 June 2014.
- Indicate what time period was used to represent the preceding year for the purpose of all amounts used in the calculation of the roaming caps.
- Provide total retail revenues from the provision of all wireless services for the preceding year.
- In support of the roaming cap provided above in question 3, provide the revenue portion of the formula set out in section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act:
- 27.1(1) total retail revenues from the provision of wireless voice call services to your Canadian subscribers, for calls both originating and terminating in Canada, for the preceding year;
- 27.1(2) total retail revenues from the provision of wireless data services in Canada to your Canadian subscribers for the preceding year;
- 27.1(3) total retail revenues from the provision of wireless text message services to your Canadian subscribers, for text messages both originating and terminating in Canada, for the preceding year.
- In support of the roaming cap provided above in question 3, provide the traffic portion of the formula set out in section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act:
- 27.1(1) number of minutes for calls both originating and terminating in Canada, for the preceding year;
- 27.1(2) number of megabytes for wireless data services in Canada to your Canadian subscribers for the preceding year;
- 27.1(3) number of text messages for text messages both originating and terminating in Canada, for the preceding year.
- Provide a detailed description of all methodological steps and assumptions associated with revenue allocation for each of the three wireless services (voice, text and data).
- Provide detailed description of all adjustments and assumptions made in calculating total retail wireless traffic under each service to be used in the calculation of the roaming cap for the three wireless services.
- Date modified: