ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Roger Choquette, P.E. (Téléphone Milot inc.)

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Ottawa, 14 July 2014

Our reference:  8663-M4-201404608


Roger Choquette, P.E.
Consultant and Authorized Representative
Téléphone Milot inc.
111 12-Novembre Street
Nicolet, Quebec  J3T 1S3

RE: Téléphone Milot inc. – Implementation plan for local competition – Téléphone Milot / Sogetel Mobilité

Dear Mr. Choquette:

The Commission needs additional information to evaluate the Part I application process noted above. Accordingly, Téléphone Milot inc. is to file with the Commission, no later than 21 July 2014, responses to the interrogatory attached to this letter and to serve a copy on all parties to the proceeding.


Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Director, Dispute Resolution

cc: Martin Brazeau, CRTC,
Josiane Lord, CRTC,
Sylvain Bellerive, Sogetel,
Paul Frappier, Milot,
Jean-Philippe Saia, Sogetel Mobilité,
Bastien Néron, Sogetel Mobilité,


Interrogatory – Téléphone Milot implementation plan for local competition for Sogetel Mobilité

In telecom decisions 2012-40 and 2012-620, the Commission approved the implementation of local competition and number portability for several exchanges served by Téléphone Milot, including the Warwick exchange. In both decisions, the Commission also approved the recovery of associated costs.

In paragraph 5 of its implementation plan for local competition for Sogetel Mobilité, Téléphone Milot indicated that the company’s needs with respect to the use of competitor services are similar to those of Vidéotron, whose entry into competition was planned in Telecom Decision 2012-620. Thus, to meet the needs of Sogetel Mobilité, Téléphone Milot proposes to retain the same terms and conditions approved in the decision for the Warwick exchange, with the exception of certain additional implementation costs specific to the Sogetel Mobilité application.

In its application, Téléphone Milot indicated that the additional implementation costs were due to (1) consulting fees; (2) modification of internal systems; and (3) portability fees.

Since local competition and number portability are already implemented in the Warwick exchange and the competitor services necessary for Sogetel Mobilité to enter the market are already available,

  1. Provide an accurate explanation along with justification of what is not already implemented and is needed to meet the needs of Sogetel Mobilité and draw up a list of what is needed.
  2. To implement the items contained in the response to question 1, for each activity:
    1. Describe the activities for which the consulting firm will be responsible; and;
    2. Provide an estimate of the number of hours needed by the consulting firm for each activity and include with supporting documentation.
  3. Regarding the modification of internal systems:
    1. Provide a detailed explanation of what modifications to are required and identify each activity to be carried out to complete the work; and
    2. For each activity indicated in response to question 3.a), provide a cost estimate with supporting rationale and calculations.
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