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Ottawa, 8 July 2014

Our reference: 8740-T66-201405374


Mr.Tom Woo
Senoir Regulatory Advisor
Telecom Policy and Regulatory Affairs
30-10020-100 Street NW
Edmonton , Alberta, T5J 0N5

Re: TELUS Tariff Notice No 479 A – Request for information

Dear Sirs:

On 10 June 2014, and as amended on 20 June 2014, the Commission received applications by TELUS Communication Company (TCC) requesting approval of tariffs for its Wireless service providers enhanced provincial 9-1-1 Network access service. Specifically, the company sought approval for the following tariff components of the service: 1) In Call Location Update (ICLU) feature, and 2) Text Messaging with 9-1-1 (T9-1-1).

Commission staff requests that TCC respond to the attached interrogatories by 15 July 2014,
Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.

Copies of the document should also be sent to

Yours truly,

Original signed by

Lyne Renaud
Director, Competitor Service & Costing
Telecommunications Sector

c.c. B.Natraj (Nat Natraj), CRTC, 819-953-5081,
Mohammed Omar, CRTC, 819-934-6378,


TCC Tariff Notice 479/479A
Wireless Service Providers Enhanced 9-1-1 Network Access Service

  1. Refer to paragraph 24 of Attachment 2* item “Hardware” where it is indicated that router costs included in the study are for upgraded Cisco 1921 routers at the PSAPs .
  2. Further refer to paragraph 23 of Attachment 2 where it is indicated that expenses associated with PSAP deployments and PSAP addition cost are included in the “Other” cost category

    Explain with supporting rationale why the above referred PSAP related costs should be included in the cost study and recovered from the wireless telephone numbers and not from the PSAPs. If these costs are to be recovered from the PSAPs, provide a revised Table 5 – Wireless Enhanced 911, Text with 9-1-1 Features excluding these costs.

  3. Refer to section B1 of Table 6a-Expenses in Appendix 2B**
  4. For each of the major activities (i.e. labour for PSAP deployment, etc.) and tasks provided (i.e. customer service engineering, product management, etc), provide a detailed description of these major activities and each task within the major activity. Also provide the methodology and assumptions, with supporting rationale, used to determine the time estimate for each of the tasks

  5. Refer to section C of Table 6a-Expenses in Appendix 2B
  6. For each of the expenses estimated explicitly, provide a detailed description of these expenses. Further provide the methodology and assumptions, with supporting rationale, used to estimate each of these expenses.

  7. Refer to section A of Table 6b-Capital Equipment in Appendix 2B.
  8. Provide the methodology and assumptions used to estimate the number of routers (Cisco) required in each of the years of the study period.

  9. Refer to section B1 of Table 6b-Capital Equipment in Appendix 2B
  10. For each of the major activities (i.e. product management, ALI costs etc. ) and tasks provided (i.e. market planning, 911 IT support, etc) , provide a detailed description of these major activities and each task within the major activity. Also provide the methodology and assumptions, with supporting rationale, used to determine the time estimate for each of the tasks.

  11. Refer to section C of Table 6c – Capital and Expense Parameters in Appendix 2B. Provide the life estimates and survivor curves for each of the asset class used in the cost study.

* Attachment 2 provided on 20 June 2014 with letter regarding Tariff Notice 479A,

** Appendix 2B provided on 20 June 2014 with letter regarding Tariff Notice 479A

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