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Ottawa, April 9, 2014

Our reference: 8740-B2-201402594 8740-B54-201402586


Ms. Suzanne Morin
General Counsel, Regulatory & Privacy Chief
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, L.P.
160 Elgin Street, 19th Floor
Ottawa, ON K2P 2C4

Mr. Philippe Gauvin
Senior Counsel, Regulatory Law & Policy
Bell Canada
160 Elgin Street, 19th Floor
Ottawa, ON K2P 2C4

RE: Bell CanadaTariff Notice 7422 and Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 476 ‒ Hosted IP Voice Service

Dear Madame /Sir:

On 25 March 2014, the Commission received an application by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant (the Bell companies), under Tariff Notice 7422 (TN 7422) and Tariff Notice 476 (TN 476), in which the Bell companies proposed revisions to General Tariff (GT) – Item 7027 – Hosted IP Voice Service. The Bell companies are proposing to introduce new features, and make certain revisions to the rates charged for the service.

Paragraph 28(1)(a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may request parties to file information or documents where needed.

The Bell companies are requested to provide comprehensive answers, including rationale and any supporting information, to the attached questions by 17 April 2014.
Consequently, this application, along with any associated subsequent revisions, will not be approved on an interim basis on the 15th calendar day following receipt. However, the Commission intends to dispose of this application, along with any associated subsequent revisions, within 45 business days of receipt of the filing.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.: Joanne Baldassi, CRTC, 819-997-3498,

Attach. (1)

Request for information

Refer to the Attachment of the Bell companies’ 25 March 2014 submission titled “Bell Aliant and Bell Canada report on the economic evaluation for the tariff revision of the hosted internet protocol (IP) voice service”:

1) Refer to paragraph 11 where the Bell companies stated that Hosted IP Voice service is available via the following two arrangements: i) using the compatible dedicated IP/MPLS accesses provided as part of the service; and ii) using compatible IP/MPLS accesses which are provided by the Bell companies and purchased by the customer separately from the Hosted IP Voice service:

a) Explain if the access costs are recovered through the Item 7027 - 8 (h) 1 - Rates and Charges - Service Packages, or through the item 8 (h) 2 – Site Fees;

i) If the access costs are recovered through Service Package rates, explain if there would be double counting of the access component if a customer purchases IP/MPLS accesses separately from the Hosted IP Voice Service from the Bell companies.

2) Refer to Table 2a of Appendices 1 and 2 of the Attachment of the Bell companies’ 25 March 2014 submission:

a) Refer to the column titled “Revenues $ per end-user per month”. Provide a breakdown of these revenues by each of the components listed in footnote 1 of this table (e.g. the lowest monthly rate per end-user for the 5-year MCP for greater than 100 end users for Service Package 1 and the lowest applicable monthly site rate for the 5-year MCP for 15 concurrent calls);

b) Identify and provide the assumptions and calculations the Bell companies used to estimate the revenues associated with each of the components listed in footnote 1.

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