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Ottawa, March 14, 2014

Our reference: 8740-V3-201211424


Mr. Dennis Béland
Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs
Videotron G.P.
612 St-Jacques Street, 15th Floor, South Tower
Montreal, Quebec H3C 4M8

RE: Videotron G.P. – Tariff Notices 46 and 46A – Request for disclosure of information

Dear Sir:

On 25 February 2014, the Commission received a letter from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) requesting that Videotron G.P. (Videotron) disclose information regarding the costs associated with Tariff Notices 46 and 46A. Specifically, CNOC requested that certain information filed in confidence by Videotron in the report on the economic evaluation in support of its application be added to the public record. CNOC submitted that disclosure of the information requested is required under Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2012-592 (TRP 2012-592).[1] In addition, CNOC requested an extension to the date for filing its intervention with respect to Videotron’s application to a date that is twenty days following the earliest of: (1) the day that Videotron discloses further information as a result of CNOC’s request; or (2) the date on which the Commission denies any further disclosure.

On 3 March 2014, the Commission received Videotron’s response to the CNOC’s request.

In accordance with the detailed directives set out in the Commission staff letter dated 13 September 2013 [2], the applicant is only required to provide, in support of its initial wholesale service tariff application, detailed information for key cost categories [3] that are greater than or equal to 20% of the total service cost.

Commission staff notes that, in TRP 2012-592, the Commission established disclosure guidelines for cost information filed in support of wholesale services.

Commission staff considers that the cost study information placed on the public record by Videotron fulfils the requirements set out in the 13 September 2013 letter and TRP 2012-592.

Commission staff considers it appropriate to grant CNOC’s request for extension. Therefore, the intervention process on Videotron’s application is amended as follows:

1) All parties may file intervention no later than 3 April 2014, and

2) Videotron may file reply comments no later than 10 days following receipt of such intervention.

Commission staff is continuing its analysis of the application and expects to require Videotron to file additional information.


Original signed by D. Thurston

Lyne Renaud
Director, Competitor Services and Costing
Telecommunications Sector

c. c.: William Sandiford, CNOC,
Ramin Adim, Senior Analyst, CRTC, 819-997-4298,
Martin Brazeau, Senior Analyst, CRTC, 819-997-1028,

[1] Confidentiality of information used to establish wholesale service rates, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2012-592, 26 October 2012
[2] Information to be provided in support of wholesale service tariff applications, Letter, 13 September 2013
[3] Key cost categories comprise of Advertisement and Promotion, Billing-Related, Maintenance, Service Provisioning, Advertising and Sales Management, Billing (collectively expense cost categories), Hardware, Software, Outside Plant Equipment, Switching Equipment, Transmission Facilities, Land & Building (collectively capital cost categories), Third-Party and Wholesale Component.

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