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Ottawa, March 3, 2014

File number: 8695-C12-201214155


Distribution List (attached)

RE: Telecom Notice of Consultation 2012-623 - Proceeding to consider whether the Commission should withhold subsidy payments to the Quebec small ILECs that have not yet implemented local competition

Dear Madam or Sir:

In Telecom Notice of Consultation 2012-623[1], the Commission sought comments on whether it would be appropriate to withhold subsidy payments due to CoopTel, Téléphone Guèvremont inc., Téléphone Milot inc., and Sogetel inc. (collectively, “the Quebec small ILECs”) to encourage them to implement local competition in a timely manner in their operating territories. Since implementation of local competition was progressing in the Quebec small ILECs’ respective operating territories, further consideration of the proceeding initiated by Telecom Notice of Consultation 2012-623 was deferred by way of a Commission staff letter dated 4 April 2013.

In a letter dated 6 November 2013, the Association des compagnies de téléphone du Québec (ACTQ) requested that the Commission close this file, since the Quebec small ILECs had completed the work required to implement local competition in their respective operating territories.

By letter dated 6 December 2013, Cogeco Cable Inc. stated that it did not oppose the ACTQ’s proposal that the file be closed.

The Commission notes that local competition has been implemented in several Quebec small ILECs’ exchanges, and considers that implementation of local competition in the remaining Quebec small ILECs’ exchanges is progressing satisfactorily. The Commission also notes that no party opposed the closing of the file.

Given the above, the Commission hereby closes this file.

The Commission will continue to monitor the implementation of local competition in the Quebec small ILECs’ territories, and expects that all parties involved will continue to cooperate regarding that implementation for the benefit of Canadians in these regions.


Original signed by

John Traversy,
Secretary General

Distribution List:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[1] Proceeding to consider whether the Commission should withhold subsidy payments to the Quebec small ILECs that have not yet implemented local competition, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-623, 9 November 2012

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