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Ottawa, 14 February 2014

Our reference: 8638-S9-201314046


Ms. Valerie Weston
Seaview Communications Ltd.
87 Woodbrook Road S.W.
Calgary AB, T2W 4M5

RE: Application for an order that TELUS Communications Company’s (TCC) censuses of its support structures to determine the number of service poles in use by licensees are in breach of directives contained in Telecom Order CRTC 2013-114

Dear Madam,

On 6 February 2014, Seaview Communications Ltd. (Seaview) filed an intervention with regard to Shaw Cablesystems G.P.’s (Shaw’s) above-noted application.

Commission staff notes that, pursuant to subsection 26(1) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure (the Rules), any interested person may intervene in a proceeding in writing within 30 days after the day on which the application is posted on the Commission’s website. Pursuant to section 8 of the Rules, the Commission may return an application or complaint that does not comply with a requirement of the Rules.

Commission staff notes that Seaview’s intervention was filed 105 days after Shaw filed its application, and that it was therefore filed outside of the 30-day window for interested persons to intervene in a proceeding.

Accordingly, Seaview’s intervention is out of process and therefore will not form part of the public record of this proceeding.

With regard to the relief requested by Seaview in its intervention, Commission staff encourages Seaview to negotiate with TCC in order to obtain its requested relief or, failing that, file a Part 1 application with the Commission.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Director, Dispute Resolution

Cc: Paul Cowling, Shaw
Ted Woodhead, TCC
Kevin Pickell, CRTC


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