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Ottawa, 5 February 2014

Our File: 8640-T8-201400366


Mr. Robert Olenick
Regulatory Analyst
1046 Lithium Drive
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 6G3

RE: Application for forbearance from regulation of single-llne inside wire services

Dear Mr. Olenick:

On 16 15 January 2014, TBayTel filed the above-noted application.

TBayTel is requested to provide by 17 February 2014 a response to the questions set out in the attachment.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by N. Froese for

Mario Bertrand
Director, Dispute Resolution

c.c: Jesslyn Mullaney, CRTC,



In the application dated 16 January 2014, TBayTel requested that the Commission extend the terms and conditions of Telecom Order 2007-395Footnote 1 to include single-line business subscribers and grant forbearance from regulation of single-line inside wire services, including any new applications of these services, any insurance plans related to the service, and any similar services that TBayTel may offer in the future that can be characterized as single-line service.

1. In TBayTel’s applicationsFootnote 2 for the transfer of single-line inside wire to residential subscribers, TBayTel stated that “[A]n initial notice to customers has already been sent out.” Has TBayTel provided a similar notice to its single-line inside wire business subscribers. If yes, provide a copy of the notice.

2. In paragraph 32 of its application, TBayTel states: “Further, with more and more of the new homes now pre-wired by electricians and general contractors, more opportunities for competitors arise that in turn leads to greater rivalrous pricing activities”

a. Indicate whether the electricians and general contractors referred to above are, in the majority cases, under contract to TBayTel when they wire new homes, or whether they do so independently.
b. If they do so independently, provide evidence or data to corroborate TBayTel’s statement, in paragraph 32, that the more and more of the new homes are now pre-wired by electricians and general contractors.

3. In the case of new single-line businesses, indicate whether TBayTel pre-wires these facilities or whether these facilities are pre-wired independently by electricians and general contractors. If they do so independently, provide evidence or data to corroborate TBayTel’s response to the above question. Indicate the percentage of TBayTel’s total revenues in 2011, 2012 and 2013 that represent TBayTel’s revenues from installations, additions, moves, rearrangements, repairs and maintenance of single-line inside wiring, separately for single-line residences and single-line businesses.

4. Indicate TBayTel’s market share of the single-line inside wire services market, including installations, additions, moves, rearrangements, repairs and maintenance of single-line inside wiring, separately for single-line residences and single-line businesses.


Footnote 1

In Transfer of inside wire. Telecom Order CRTC 2007-395, 26 October 2007, the Commission approved, on an interim basis, transfer of responsibility for all installations, additions, moves, and rearrangements of inside wire, and maintenance and repair of existing inside wire to single-line residential subscribers, with final approval in Telecom Order CRTC 2007-412, 7 November 2007.

Return to footnote 1

Footnote 2

Tariff Notices 135 and 153A

Return to footnote 2


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