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Ottawa, 3 February 2014
Our reference: 8740-D3-201400309
Mr. Michel Gilbert
Assistant Director – Regulatory Affairs
Dryden Municipal Telephone System
87 Ontario West, Floor 6
Montreal, QC
H2X 1Y8
RE: DMTS Tariff Notice 55
Dear Sir:
On 14 January 2014, the Commission received an application by Dryden Municipal Telephone System (DMTS), under Tariff Notice 55.
In its application, DMTS proposed revisions to its General Tariff to withdraw Section 390 – Emergency-Reporting and Alerting Systems. DMTS indicated that it did not anticipate any renewed demand for the service in the foreseeable future as customers for such services are now using different systems, like paging, for alerting purposes.
Paragraph 28(1)(a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may request parties to file information or documents where needed.
DMTS is requested to provide comprehensive answers, including rationale and any supporting information, to the attached question by 10 February 2014.
Original signed by
Michel Murray
Director, Regulatory Implementation
c.c.: Marie-Josée Boivin,
Joseph Cabrera, CRTC, (819) 934-6352,
Attach. (1)
Request for information – DMTS Tariff Notice 55
1. Explain, with supporting rationale, why the use of other systems, like paging, for alerting purposes would lead DMTS to the conclusion that there would be no demand for the service in the foreseeable future.
2. Identify any available systems for alerting purposes, other than paging.
3. Identify whether DMTS has consulted with municipalities or other organizations that respond to reports of fires or other emergencies about their present or future need for the service. If so, provide a summary of their responses. If not, explain why DMTS did not do so.
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