ARCHIVED - Compliance and Enforcement Procedural Letter Addressed to Celia Sankar (DiversityCanada Foundation)

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Ottawa, 1 August 2014

Our reference:  8665-C12-201313030


Ms. Celia Sankar
Founder and Executive Director
DiversityCanada Foundation
95 Hutchison Avenue
Elliot Lake, ON P5A 1W9

RE:  DiversityCanada Foundation’s application for costs regarding its participation
in the proceeding initiated by Compliance and Enforcement Notice of Consultation 2013-527

Dear Ms. Sankar:

The Commission received an application dated 13 December 2013 for costs pursuant to the above-noted proceeding from DiversityCanada Foundation (DiversityCanada), which participated on its own behalf and on behalf of the National Pensioners Federation (NPF). In the application, DiversityCanada claims outside consultant fees, as opposed to in-house fees, related to services performed by Raknas Inc. (Raknas). It also claims outside legal counsel fees.

Commission staff is currently reviewing the file and requires more information to assess the application. We are cognizant of a recent Commission order regarding a previous DiversityCanada costs application. Specifically, refer to Telecom Order CRTC 2014-351,Footnote 1 where the Commission highlights factors that it may consider when determining whether in-house or outside consultant rates are appropriate.

For this record, please provide information regarding DiversityCanada’s independence from Raknas. For example, please provide information as to

Also, please provide information regarding DiversityCanada’s relationship with the NPF. For example, please provide information as to

Again, this information will assist staff in assessing the application and processing the file. Please provide this information on or before 11 August 2014.


Original signed by

Adam Balkovec
Legal Counsel, Legal Sector

cc: Anthony McIntyre, Legal Counsel

Footnote 1

Telecom Order CRTC 2014-351, Ottawa (3 July 2014), available at:

Return to footnote 1 referrer

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