ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Commission Letter Addressed to D. B. Caron (Thunder Bay Electronics Limited)

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Ottawa, 30 July 2014


Mr. D. B. Caron
Vice President and General Manager
Thunder Bay Electronics Limited
87 Hill Street North
Thunder Bay, Ontario  P7A 5V6

RE:  Request to replace the external auditor’s report with an attestation by a senior officer of the Applicants for the 2014 Local Programming Improvement Fund (LPIF) annual reports

Dear Mr. Caron:

The Commission has examined the above-mentioned request to replace the external auditor’s report on the Statement of Direct Local Programming Expenses with an attestation by a senior officer of the licensee for television stations eligible to receive funding from the LPIF, taking into consideration that the 2013-2014 broadcast year is the final year of the LPIF program.

The Commission approves this request for the broadcast year ending 31 August 2014 and requires that the Statement of Direct Local Programming Expenses together with the attestation thereon be filed by no later than 30 November 2014, in accordance with the LPIF policy.

Please be advised that all other reporting requirements related to the LPIF remain in effect.


(Original signed by Helen McIntosh for)

John Traversy
Secretary General

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