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Ottawa, 1 May 2014

By e-mail

Bell Media Inc.
Mirko Bibic
Executive Vice-President and Chief Legal & Regulatory Affairs

Rogers Media Inc.
Susan Wheeler
Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs

Shaw Media Inc.
Marta Young
Manager, Regulatory Affairs

Corus Entertainment
Sylvie Courtemanche
Vice President, Government Relations
Courriel :

TVA Group
Peggy Tabet
Director, Regulatory Affairs, Broadcasting
Email: and

Re: CRTC 2014-190 – Let’s Talk TV


On April 24th, the Commission launched Phase 3 of Let’s Talk TV: A Conversation with Canadians. Phase 3 is a formal review of the television system that draws on the issues and priorities identified by Canadians in Phases 1 and 2. It will include an oral public hearing that will begin on 8 September 2014. The Notice of Hearing can be found below:

Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2014-190

In accordance with section 35(2) of the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure (the Rules of Procedure), the Commission directs you to do the following:

1. By 6 May 2014, you are required to post the Notice of Hearing or an electronic link to it on a page of your own website that is accessible from the home page and keep it there until the deadline for intervening in the proceeding is over.

2. You are required to broadcast a text containing the following information, in verbal or written form, on all of your conventional television stations and specialty and pay services:
 The CRTC will hold a public hearing beginning on September 8, 2014, in the National Capital Region, on the future of television.
 Join the conversation today. Tell the CRTC how we can make sure your TV system meets your current and future needs.
 Submit your comments by June 25, 2014.
 Find out how on the CRTC website at
 Or contact the CRTC toll-free: 1-877-249-CRTC (2782) or TTY 1-877-909-CRTC (2782).
 The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is the public authority that regulates and supervises the broadcasting system in Canada.

3. By 13 June 2014, you are required to broadcast the above information on at least five separate occasions between 6 pm and 11pm local time, in the case of conventional television stations and between 6 pm and 11pm EDT for specialty and pay services.

4. In order to allow the Commission to ensure that all broadcasters are meeting the obligations set out in this letter, you are required to maintain records demonstrating that the above information was broadcast as per instructions contained in this letter. Records must be kept for 180 days following the conclusion of the Hearing and available should the Commission request it.

Should an interested person ask you how to file an intervention/comment, you may inform them that a link to the electronic intervention form is available on the Commission’s website. The use of this electronic form will greatly facilitate the processing of interventions by the Commission.

Please note that in Changes to certain practices for filing interventions, Broadcasting Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-28-1, published on 10 December 2010, the Commission announced that it will permit parties to coordinate, organize and file in a single submission supporting interventions/comments to broadcasting proceedings announced in Notices of Consultation. Parties wishing to file a joint supporting submission must use this template.


(original signed by Helen McIntosh for)

John Traversy
Secretary General

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