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Ottawa, 29 April 2014


Mr. Slava Levin
Chief Executive Officer
Ethnic Channels Group Limited
907 Alness Street
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 2J1

Subject: Part 1 applications 2014-0008-5 and 2014-0009-3 concerning TVI and RBTI

Dear Mr. Levin:

This is in reference to Ethnic Channels Group Limited (ECGL)’s letter dated 18 February 2014, in regards to complaints filed by Festival Portuguese Television concerning the Canadian content of two exempt Category B services called RBTI and TVI.

In its reply letter, ECGL stated that it has taken the necessary actions to come into compliance with section 4(d) of the exemption order set out in Appendix 2 of the New exemption order respecting certain programming undertakings that would otherwise be eligible to be operated as Category B services, and amendments to the Exemption order respecting certain third-language television undertakings (Third-language Exemption Order) CRTC 2012-689, which states that not less than 15% of all programs broadcast by an exempt service must qualify as Canadian programs in accordance with the criteria established by the Commission in Certification for Canadian programs – A revised approach, Public Notice 2000-42.

In order to ensure a complete record of the issues raised in these applications, and pursuant to section 11 of the Third-language Exemption Order, please submit the following information:

Please file the requested material by no later than 5 May 2014, serving all parties. Please note that this letter and any subsequent correspondence will be added to the public records of the above-noted Part 1 proceedings.

Yours truly,

Original signed by

Sheehan Carter
Senior Manager, English- and Third-language Television

c.c. Mr. Frank Alvarez, Festival Portuguese Television (Fax: 416-537-1537)
Ms. Pamela Dinsmore, Rogers Communications Partnership (

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