ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2014-616
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Ottawa, 27 November 2014
File number: Tariff Notice 43
La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc. - Modifications to Support Structure Service
The Commission received an application from La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc. (Courcelles), dated 24 September 2014, in which the company proposed revisions to item 5.2 - Support Structure Service of its General Tariff to comply with Telecom Decision 2014-389 and to harmonize the tariff information related to this service with that of Sogetel inc. (Sogetel) and Téléphone Milot inc. (Milot).
Specifically, Courcelles added a definition of strand equipment and outlined the situations in which it is not necessary for a licenseeFootnote 1 to obtain requests for the use of support structures. Courcelles specified that its support structure agreement (SSA), to which the company referredFootnote 2 in its proposed tariff pages, is consistent with the SSAs filed by Sogetel and Milot, and approved by the Commission in Telecom Order 2006-223. Courcelles also introduced initial rates for non-recurring charges based on the rates approved for TELUS Communications Company and Télébec, Limited Partnership.Footnote 3
In Telecom Order 2014-540, the Commission approved Courcelles’ application on an interim basis, effective 20 October 2014.
The Commission received no interventions regarding Courcelles’ application. The public record of this proceeding, which closed on 24 October 2014, is available on the Commission’s website at or by using the file number provided above.
The Commission has reviewed Courcelles’ application and finds it to be reasonable. However, the Commission notes that in Telecom Order 2006-223, it approved Sogetel’s and Milot’s SSAs subject to modifications to items 7.5, 7.11, and 16.0. The Commission considers that Courcelles should make the same modifications to its SSA.
In light of the above, the Commission approves on a final basis Courcelles’ application, effective the date of this order, on the condition that Courcelles makes the modifications to its SSA that the Commission set out in Telecom Order 2006-223 for Sogetel’s and Milot’s SSAs.
Courcelles is to issue revised tariff pagesFootnote 4 within 10 days of the date of this order.
Secretary General
Related documents
- Telecom Order CRTC 2014-540, 20 October 2014
- Follow-up to Telecom Decision 2014-77 - Show cause regarding permit requirements for strand equipment, Telecom Decision CRTC 2014-389, 24 July 2014
- Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-160, 28 March 2013
- Sogetel inc. and Téléphone Milot inc. - Support structure license agreement, Telecom Order CRTC 2006-223, 28 August 2006
- Footnote 1
Courcelles defined a “licensee” in its General Tariff as “any party that holds a licence pursuant to this section.” [translation]
- Footnote 2
Courcelles did not file its SSA for Commission approval.
- Footnote 3
In Telecom Regulatory Policy 2013-160, the Commission found that the small incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) could establish initial rates for services assigned to basket 5 by matching the rates that apply in an adjacent large ILEC territory for the same service.
- Footnote 4
Revised tariff pages can be submitted to the Commission without a description page or a request for approval; a tariff application is not required.
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