ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2014-529
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Ottawa, 8 October 2014
File number: Aliant Telecom Tariff Notice 474
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership - Withdrawal of Internet Call Manager service
- The Commission received an application from Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), dated 4 July 2014, in which the company proposed to withdraw item 308 − Internet Call Manager (ICM) service from its General Tariff. Through this service, dial-up Internet subscribers receive online notifications of incoming telephone calls while their phone line is tied up during an Internet session.
- Bell Aliant submitted that it provided the ICM service through a third-party vendor. Bell Aliant stated that on 12 June 2014, this vendor informed Bell Aliant that it was discontinuing the service, effective 31 July 2014. Bell Aliant indicated that it was able to work with the vendor to extend the service until 8 September 2014 to provide affected customers sufficient time to switch to alternative services, and for consistency with the Commission’s guidelines for service withdrawal.
- Bell Aliant stated that there is little demand for the ICM service and that it had notified all affected customers of its proposal by letter dated 4 July 2014. The company added that its ICM service customers could choose from the following service alternatives: (i) voicemail services provided by Bell Aliant or another telecommunications service provider, or through a customer-provided residential telephone terminal system; (ii) the installation of a second telephone line; and (iii) high-speed Internet services, or other alternative wireless or satellite-based Internet services, that do not tie up the telephone line.
- The Commission received interventions and comments from some of Bell Aliant’s ICM service customers regarding the company’s application. These customers generally expressed disappointment with the withdrawal of the service, and concerns that the unavailability of Bell Aliant’s high-speed Internet service limited their service alternatives. In reply, Bell Aliant submitted that it would reach out to those customers, as well as any customer who contacts the company regarding the service withdrawal, to help determine which service alternative would best meet their needs.
- The public record of this proceeding, which closed on 29 August 2014, is available on the Commission’s website at or by using the file number provided above.
Commission’s analysis and determinations
- The Commission notes that there is little demand for the ICM service. The Commission also notes the concerns expressed by the individuals who submitted interventions and comments, but considers that since the third-party vendor is discontinuing its service, Bell Aliant’s proposed alternatives provide reasonable substitutes for the ICM service.
- The Commission further considers that Bell Aliant’s application meets the requirements set out in Telecom Information Bulletin 2010-455, in which the Commission set out its procedures for dealing with applications to destandardize and/or withdraw tariffed services.Footnote 1 In particular, the Commission notes that Bell Aliant has (i) informed affected customers of the proposed withdrawal, (ii) identified service alternatives, and (iii) offered to work with individual customers to find alternative service options that meet their needs.
- In light of the above, the Commission approves Bell Aliant’s application.
Secretary General
Related documents
- Approval processes for tariff applications and intercarrier agreements, Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-455, 5 July 2010
- Mandatory customer contract renewal notification and requirements for service destandardization/withdrawal, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-22, 6 March 2008
- Footnote 1
This bulletin summarizes the Commission’s related determinations set out in Telecom Decision 2008-22 and is incorporated by reference in section 59 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure.
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