ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2014-240
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Ottawa, 16 May 2014
Renaming of Military Channel as American Heroes Channel on the List of non-Canadian programming services authorized for distribution
- In Addition of Military Channel to the lists of eligible satellite services for distribution on a digital basis, and deletion of Discovery Wings,Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-105, 21 August 2006, the Commission added Military Channel to the List of non-Canadian programming services authorized for distribution (the list)Footnote 1. Military Channel is a non-Canadian general interest English-language service consisting of programming that focuses on all aspects of the armed forces, military strategies and personnel throughout the ages, including personal stories of servicemen and women and in-depth explorations of military technology, aviation and history.
- In a letter to the Commission dated 24 March 2014, Lewis Birnberg Hanet LLP, acting as the Canadian sponsor for Discovery Communications, Inc., the operator of Military Channel, indicated that the service had changed its name to American Heroes Channel effective 3 March 2014. In that letter, it also indicated that the renaming of the channel will not change the nature of service.
- Based on the information provided, the Commission is satisfied that the nature of service would not be altered as a result of the name change. The Commission therefore amends the list to reflect the name change from Military Channel to American Heroes Channel. The revised list can be found on the Commission’s website at, by clicking on “TV & Radio” and selecting “Programming”. It may also be obtained in hard copy on request.
Secretary General
- Footnote 1
Formerly known as the lists of eligible satellite services for distribution on a digital basis.
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