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Ottawa, 3 December 2013

Our reference: 8661-A117-201312511


Ms. Teresa Griffin-Muir
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Allstream Inc.
150 Laurier Avenue, West, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J4

Mr. Philippe Gauvin
Senior Counsel, Regulatory Law and Policy
Bell Canada
160 Elgin Street, 19th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2C4

Re: Application concerning overbilling by the Bell companies of charges for co-location and related services

Dear Madam, Sir:

On 11 September 2013, the Commission received an application by Allstream Inc. (Allstream), in which Allstream requested that the Commission direct Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (collectively, the Bell companies) to abide by the terms and conditions of their Co-location Tariff and other tariffs.

Commission staff has reviewed the information on the record and has determined that there is a need for further information in order to properly assess Allstream’s requested relief. Consequently, Allstream and the Bell companies are requested to respond to the attached interrogatories, serving a copy on the other party, by 18 December 2013.

Allstream and the Bell companies may file reply comments with the Commission in relation to the subject matter of the interrogatories, serving a copy on the other party, by 13 January 2014.

As set out in Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in Commission proceedings, Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961, 23 December 2010, parties may designate certain information as confidential. Parties must provide an abridged version of the document involved, accompanied by a note explaining how the information removed is confidential.

Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date. Copies of the documents should be sent to

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Director, Dispute Resolution

cc: Kevin Pickell, CRTC,


Attachment 1



1. Provide a copy of (a) Allstream’s request for a quote or quotes from the Bell companies to reduce power levels in a number of the Bell companies’ co-location sites, (b) the Bell companies’ response to that quote, and (c) any subsequent communications, if any, between both companies related to that quote.

2. Provide a copy of the 3 October 2012 e-mail from Christine Kirkopoulos of Allstream to Martin Styles of the Bell companies. Also provide copies of any subsequent e-mails, if any, and or correspondence exchanged related to that 3 October 2012 e-mail.

3. In attachment 2 of Allstream’s application, column ‘K’ provides information related to “Charges per non-colo tariffs”. Is the information provided in this column pertinent to Allstream’s application? If so, how?

Bell companies

1. Provide a thorough explanation of whether the power reduction scenarios provided below would generally require the replacement of a fuse, rewiring, or a combination of the two. Where rewiring is required, provide an explanation as to why the replacement of a fuse would not be suitable. If there are certain variables that could impact the work required such as the type of equipment used by the co-locator, age of wiring, distance from power plant, etc., disclose what those variables are and provide a description of how each variable could make an impact.

a) Reducing power from 110 amps to 80 amps
b) Reducing power from 100 amps to 90 amps
c) Reducing power from 100 amps to 80 amps
d) Reducing power from 100 amps to 70 amps
e) Reducing power from 100 amps to 60 amps
f) Reducing power from 100 amps to 50 amps
g) Reducing power from 70 amps to 50 amps

2. In paragraph 15 of Allstream’s 21 October 2013 reply comments, Allstream states that “…the one-time charges for a [co-location] site often exceeded the potential power savings for the next ten years.” In relation to that:

a) Validate Allstream’s statement that its one-time charges to reduce power levels in a number of the Bell companies’ co-location sites would often exceed the potential power savings for Allstream for the next ten years.
b) If Allstream cannot reduce power because it is not cost-effective, why should Allstream be responsible to pay for power it is not using?
c) Propose equitable alternatives to either (i) mitigate the one-time charge for Allstream to reduce power or (ii) provide Allstream with cost savings due to reduced power in a co-location site within a more reasonable timeframe.

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