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Ottawa, 20 August 2013
Our references: 8638-A2-201309196, 8638-C41-201309394, 8638-C4-201309352, 8638-D3-201310862, 8638-G1-201309542, 8638-K1-201310854, 8638-L2-201309526, 8638-M4-201309477, 8638-N51-201309170, 8638-O2-201309550, 8638-O31-201309617, 8638-P1-201309188, 8638-S4-201309443, 8638-S6-201309279, 8638-S7-201309427, 8638-T8-201309534, 8638-U2-201309204
Distribution List (attached)
RE: Classification of small incumbent local exchange carrier basket 4 and 5 services
Dear Sir/Madam:
In Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters, Telecom Regulatory Policy 2013-160, 28 March 2013, the Commission directed the small incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) to file for Commission approval, within 90 days of the date of that decision, a list of all of their services to be assigned to each of baskets 4 and 5.
The Commission has received applications from the small ILECs (the Part 1 applications) and comments from TELUS Communications Company (TCC), dated 1 August 2013, regarding a number of these applications.
TCC submitted that it could not make a complete assessment about whether all services were appropriately listed and uniformly classified in each of baskets 4 and 5 because tariffs are not available online for the majority of the small ILECs. It noted that the lack of publicly available information made any meaningful and exhaustive review of the applications very difficult, if not impossible. The company submitted that it was specifically concerned that most small ILECs’ Carrier Access Tariffs, which it suggested should include all of their competitor services, are not available online.
Commission staff considers that parties to the proceedings to review the small ILEC service basket classifications should have an opportunity to review these tariffs in order to provide informed comments. Commission staff further considers that the information publicly available for most small ILECs does not allow parties to the proceedings to make a complete assessment on the small ILECs’ proposals in a reasonable manner.
Commission staff notes that in CISC Business Process Working Group – Non-consensus report BPRE075a regarding fulfillment of Type III and IV CLEC obligations, Telecom Decision 2011-92, 11 February 2011, the Commission directed all LECs that maintain websites to post their approved access tariffs on their respective websites, and those LECs that do not maintain websites to provide an electronic version of their approved access tariffs upon request. Commission staff also notes that small ILECs are subject to this direction ‒ for both their ILEC and, as applicable, CLEC access tariffs ‒ and most of them have a website.
Accordingly, by 3 September 2013.
1. Small ILECs that have posted their current tariffs on their respective websites, including approved tariffs that are currently assigned to basket 4, are to file a submission with the Commission on the record of the proceeding initiated by their respective Part 1 application, which confirms that this is the case and includes the URL information for the tariffs.
2. Small ILECs that have not posted their current tariffs on their respective websites, including approved tariffs that are currently assigned to basket 4, are to
a. file a submission on the record of the proceeding initiated by their respective Part 1 application that includes an electronic version of their approved tariffs that are currently assigned to basket 4 – these tariffs should also include the services that the company has proposed to assign to basket 5,
b. indicate the date by which they expect to have their approved access tariffs posted on their respective websites, and then notify the Commission once they have posted their approved access tariffs on their respective websites and provide the URL information for the tariffs.
Those small ILECs filing an electronic version of the approved tariffs in question are requested to minimize the number of separate documents submitted as much as possible.
In order to ensure that parties have sufficient opportunity to review these tariffs, Commission staff extends the comment period for the small ILEC basket 4 and 5 service proceedings as follows:
• Parties may file comments on the Part 1 applications within 10 days of the date that the small ILEC’s submission, filed in accordance with the above requirements, has been posted on the Commission’s website.
• The small ILECs may file reply comments within 15 days of the date that its above-noted submission has been posted on the Commission’s website.
Yours sincerely,
Original signed by
Michel Murray
Director, Regulatory Implementation
c.c. : TELUS Communications Company,
Alan Mercier,
Martin Brazeau, CRTC (819) 997-1028,
Distribution List
Amtelecom Limited Partnership,
Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd.,
Bruce Telecom,
CityWest Telephone Corporation,
Cochrane Telecom Services,
Dryden Municipal Telephone System,
Execulink Telecom Inc.,
Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited,
Hay Communications Co-operative Limited,
Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited,
Independent Telecommunications Providers Association,
La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc.,
La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc.,
La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor,
La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton Inc.,
Lansdowne Rural Telephone Co. Ltd.,
Le Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc.,
Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited,
Nexicom Telecommunications Inc.,
Nexicom Telephones Inc.,
North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Ltd.,
NorthernTel, Limited Partnership,
NRTC Communications,
People’s Tel Limited Partnership,
Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc.,
Roxborough Telephone Company Limited,
Sogetel inc.,
Téléphone Guèvremont inc.,
Téléphone Milot inc.
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited,
Wightman Telecom Ltd.,
WTC Communications,
- Date modified: