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Ottawa, 19 July 2013
File No.: 8643-C12-201105297
To: Canadian Telecommunication Carriers
RE: Questions to obtain information with respect to Internet Protocol (IP) voice network interconnection
Dear Madame, Sir:
In Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2012-24, Network Interconnection for voice services, dated 19 January 2012, the Commission decided that it was in the public interest to establish a set of principles to facilitate IP voice network interconnections between network operators while allowing market forces to shape the details of the arrangements.
Specifically, the regulatory policy sets out that where a carrier provides IP voice interconnection to an affiliate, a division of its operations, or an unrelated service provider the carrier must provide a similar arrangement with any other carrier that requests such an arrangement. In addition, where a carrier is providing voice services to end-users via IP switches rather than legacy TDM switches, the carrier must provide IP voice network interconnection to other carriers when requested. Further, within six months of a formal request an arrangement is to be concluded and implementation of IP voice network interconnection arrangements is to be completed or there is to be significant progress within twelve months following the conclusion of a negotiated arrangement or the outcome of a Commission intervention.
As a follow-up to this regulatory policy, the Commission is gathering data in order to determine the current state of voice network interconnection arrangements between carriers.
Please provide the information requested in the attachment by 19 August 2013.
Yours sincerely,
Original signed by
Chris Seidl
Executive Director
1. Does your company currently interconnect with other carriers’ networks for the purpose of exchanging voice traffic? If so,
a. Provide the names of these carriers, including affiliates, divisions of your operations, and unrelated service providers.
b. For each of these carriers, please provide the following information using the table format set out below
i. Provide an estimate of the voice traffic that was exchanged with the carrier on a TDM basis and on an IP-to-IP basis as of 30 June 2013 as a percentage of the total voice traffic exchanged with that carrier. Provide a breakdown by local, toll and wireless traffic types.
Carrier Traffic Type TDM (%) IP-to-IP (%)
All voice traffic
2. With respect to the transition from TDM interconnection to interconnection on an IP-to-IP basis, please provide the following information.
a. Provide the actual or forecast date when your company began or plans to begin the transition from TDM interconnection to interconnection on an IP-to-IP basis.
b. Provide the estimated target completion date by which all interconnections with other carriers for the purpose of exchanging voice traffic will be on an IP-to-IP basis.
c. Has the introduction of Regulatory Policy 2012-24 facilitated your company’s transition from TDM interconnection to interconnection on an IP-to-IP basis?
3. Is your company currently negotiating arrangements with other carriers for the purpose of exchanging voice traffic on an IP-to-IP basis? If so,
a. Provide the names of these carriers, including affiliates, divisions of your operations, and unrelated service providers.
b. For each of these carriers, provide the estimated target completion date by which IP-to-IP interconnection for the purpose of exchanging voice traffic will be implemented.
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