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Ottawa, 4 June 2013

File : 8663-C12-201215302


Rob McMahon, First Mile Connectivity Consortium (
Chief Roy Fabian, K’atl’odeeche First Nation (

Re : Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-669 – Procedural Request re: appearance at public hearing

On 28 May 2013, the First Mile Connectivity Consortium (the Consortium) and K’atl’odeeche First Nation (KFN) filed letters requesting additional time to make their opening presentations at the public hearing commencing 17 June 2013 in connection with the above-noted file.

Although KFN, as a member of the Consortium, filed a joint intervention with the Consortium as part of this proceeding, it was requested that KFN be permitted to appear individually at the public hearing and be allotted 10 minutes for its presentation. The Consortium and KFN submitted that KFN has extensive experience regarding the development and potential of First Nation Community Networks, which may have significant relevance in the Commission’s consideration of Northwestel Inc.’s Modernization Plan. They further submitted that, without the additional time, KFN would find it challenging to adequately present its experience to the Commission.

In light of the above, the request is approved. KFN will be allocated a maximum of 10 minutes for its presentation on Wednesday, 19 June 2013 in Whitehorse, Yukon.


Original signed by

John Macri,
Telecommunications Policy

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