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Ottawa, 17 April 2013

Our reference: 8740-V22-201211896


Mr. Dennis Béland
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs
Québecor Média inc.
612 St-Jacques Street
15th Floor, South Tower
Montreal, Quebec H3C 4M8

Re: Tariff Notice 40 – Request for further information

Dear Mr. Béland,

On 20 September 2012, the Commission received an application by Québecor Média inc., on behalf of its subsidiary Vidéotron s.e.n.c. (Vidéotron), under cover of Tariff Notice 40 (TN 40), in which the company proposed an amendment to section 201 of its Carrier Access Tariff to replace a reference to the termination of intra-exchange traffic with a reference to the termination of intra-local interconnection region traffic (intra LIR).

Paragraph 28(1)(a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may request parties to file information or documents where needed.

Vidéotron is requested to provide comprehensive answers, including rationale and any supporting information, to the attached questions by 24 April 2013.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Regulatory Implementation

Attach. (1)

c.c.: Denis Henry, Bell Aliant,
Philippe Gauvin, Bell Canada,
David Watt, Rogers Communications Partnership,
Joseph Cabrera, CRTC, (819) 934-6352,


Request for information - Vidéotron TN 40

1. For each of the years 2011 and 2012, and for each LIR in which Vidéotron operates, provide the average monthly revenues, broken down by subscriber name, that the company has derived from the application of the tariff item that is the subject of the company’s TN 40 application.

2. For the year 2014, and for each LIR in which Vidéotron operates, provide the company’s estimate, with supporting rationale, of the average monthly revenues, broken down by subscriber name, that the company expects to derive from the application of this tariff item if the rates were changed to be the same as each of the Bell companies’ EAS Transport service in their respective operating territories.

3. For the year 2014, and for each LIR in which Vidéotron operates, provide the company’s estimate, with supporting rationale, of the average monthly revenues, broken down by subscriber name, that the company expects to derive from the application of this tariff item if the application is approved.

4. For the year 2014, and for each LIR in which Vidéotron operates, provide the company’s estimate, with supporting rationale, of the average monthly revenues, broken down by subscriber name, that the company expects to derive from the application of this tariff item if the rates are unchanged.

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