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Ottawa, 16 May 2013

Mr. Ross Ingram
Faithway Communications Inc.
151 Main Street
Fredericton, NB
E3A 1C6

Re: Procedural Letter - Application 2013-0500-6 CJRI-FM (Technical Amendment)

Dear Mr. Ingram,

This is in reference to the application by Faithway Communication Inc. (Faithway) to amend the licence of the radio programming undertaking CJRI-FM Fredericton, which was published as a Part 1 application on 5 April 2013.

Commission staff would like to inform you that the analysis of Faithway’s technical amendment application has been suspended. Commission staff notes that certain issues have arisen in the context of the renewal application for CJRI-FM Fredericton, which is currently being processed, which may have an impact on the analysis of the technical amendment application. In order to allow the Commission a better opportunity to address the applications in light of the overlapping issues, Faithway’s technical amendment application will be re-scheduled to the same proceeding as the renewal application.

Please note that the Part 1 public process which included Faithway’s technical amendment application is closed. Any interventions and/or responses received relating to the application during the Part 1 process will be added to the public hearing file. Further, a copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the new proceeding.

Should you need further information concerning your application, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at 819-953-5130 or by fax at 819-994-0218.

Yours truly,

Sherwin Pagtakhan
Analyst, Radio Applications and Policy

c.c. Leonard Petrie (ingénieur)
Paul Dixon (directeur technique)

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