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By E-Mail :

Ottawa, 27 March 2013

Ms. Susan Wheeler
Vice-President, Regulatory, Media
Rogers Media Inc.
333 Bloor Street East,
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 1G9

Dear Ms. Wheeler,

Re : Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2012-697 – CJNT-DT Montréal – Acquisition of Assets

The present letter is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated 28 January 2013 regarding Broadcasting Decision 2012-697, in which the Commission approved the acquisition of the assets of CJNT-DT by Rogers Broadcasting Limited (Rogers) as well as its conversion into an English-language conventional television station.

In your letter, you stated that Rogers’ commitment to devote a minimum of 3 % of its programming expenditure in each year to the production of English-language programs by independent production companies in Québec applied to Rogers’ national programming expenditures by all of its qualifying services (i.e., the City conventional television stations as well as the Category A specialty services OLN, The Biography Channel and G4TechTV) rather than to the total programming expenditures of its conventional television stations (i.e., the City stations), as stated in the decision. Commission staff notes that during your presentation at the 7 November 2012 hearing in Gatineau, you estimated that this commitment would amount to approximately $1 million in funding for the 2012-13 broadcast year.

Commission staff notes that all commitments and obligations will be reviewed at the time of renewal. Please note that this letter and the letter you sent the Commission on 28 January 2013 will be placed on the public record of application 2012-0756-4, which was approved in Decision 2012-697.


Scott Hutton
Executive Director- Broadcasting, CRTC

Cc : Guy Rodgers (ELAN),
Janis Lundman and Gary Saxe (QEPC)

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