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Ottawa, 29 November 2012

By e-mail

To: Distribution list

Re: Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-557 – Request for information

Section 28(1)(a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may request parties to file information, particulars or documents where needed.

Commission staff requests that the following companies respond to the attached interrogatories associated with Telecom Notice of Consultation 2012-557: Bell Mobility Inc. (Bell Mobility, Virgin Mobile, Solo); Nexicom Mobility Inc.; TBayTel ; Huron Telecommunications Co-Operative Limited; Hay Communications Co-operative Limited; Inukshuk Wireless; Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership;Rogers Communications Partnership; MTS Inc.; Saskatchewan Telecommunications; Mobilicity Data & Audio Visual Enterprises Wireless Inc.; Airtel Wireless LTD; Shaw Telecom Inc.; Lynx Mobility Inc.; TerreStar Solutions Inc.; Execulink Telecom Inc.; Vidéotron s.e.n.c. Videotron G.P.; CityWest Mobility; Wightman Telecom Ltd.; Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc.; Sogetel Mobilité inc.; Dryden Municipal Telephone System; Bragg Communications Incorporated; (EastLink Cable Systems ) Northwestel Inc. Norouestel Inc.; Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (Wind Mobile ) ; Télébec, Société en commandite Télébec, Limited Partnership; SSI Micro Ltd.; Globalstar Canada Satellite Co.; Public Mobile Inc.; TELUS Communications Company Société TELUS Communications; Gogo Connectivity Ltd.; Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd.; KMTS; Ice Wireless Inc.; Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited; Fido Solutions Inc.; and NorthernTel, Limited Partnership.

Responses to these interrogatories are to be filed with the Commission by 10 December 2012. Parties that wish to designate some or all of their answers as confidential must do so in accordance with the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure. As these interrogatories will result in new evidence on the public record of the proceeding, all parties may comment on this in reply.

Documents to be filed are to be received, not merely sent, by the dates indicated.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Masood Qureshi
Director, Consumer Policy



A. Interrogatory addressed to all parties

1. Facilities-based wireless service providers and resellers (MVNOs)

In Canada, wireless service providers offer mobile wireless services, either nationally or regionally. Some of these service providers operate ubiquitous national networks, while others either operate smaller regional networks utilizing roaming to extend their coverage, or simply resell mobile wireless services from larger service providers, also known as mobile virtual network operators (MVNO).

Identify all mobile wireless service providers that make use of your network and specify whether these operators have their own facilities (towers, antennas etc.) or operate virtually on your network (reselling mobile wireless services).

Provide your answer using the table format below:

Wireless Service Provider name Nature of Agreement (roaming, MVNO…)

B. Interrogatories addressed to parties with retail customers

2. Locked handsets

Many advertised price plans include a subsidized handset, which spreads the end-user hardware costs over time, reducing the upfront costs to a subscriber. Consumers have voiced their concerns and frustrations regarding the fact that the handset they have effectively purchased cannot be moved or used on an alternative network. The handset is effectively locked to a network and in some cases, unlocking the device incurs an additional fee.

A. Clearly explain why handsets are locked in this manner and the reasoning behind the unlocking fee.

B. If a subscriber wishes to retain the wireless device at the end of a service contract, do you offer lower cost plans that reflect the fact that the device has been fully paid? If not, why not?

3. Retail contracts for mobile wireless services

The clarity of wireless contracts and terms of service is a key issue in this proceeding. Many consumers have indicated that they struggle to understand the terms of their wireless service agreements.

A. Provide a copy of all of the documents that you would provide to a customer who had taken your most popular wireless service plan (i.e. a “mock-up” of the contract and all other related documents).

B. Explain how and when those documents would be provided to the customer.

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