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Ottawa, 12 October 2012

Our reference: 8180-T66-201012500


Mr. Michel Gilbert
Director, Regulatory Affairs
NorthernTel, Limited Partnership
87 Ontario West
Montreal, Quebec H2X 1Y8

RE: TELUS Communications Company’s intention to enter NorthernTel, Limited Partnership’s operating territory as a competitive local exchange carrier

Dear Sir:

The Commission received a letter from TELUS Communications Company (TCC), dated 28 September 2012, notifying the Commission of its intention to enter the Timmins exchange in NorthernTel, Limited Partnership’s (NorthernTel) territory as a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC). TCC indicated that its proposed service date in that exchange is 29 November 2012. TCC copied NorthernTel on this letter.

The Commission also received an application by TCC under Tariff Notice 444 (TN 444), dated 25 September 2012, in which the company proposed to revise its CLEC General Tariff to reflect its intention to expand its CLEC operations in NorthernTel’s operating territory.

Commission staff notes that in Revised regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-14, 29 March 2006, the Commission directed each small incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC), following a formal signed expression of interest from a local exchange carrier or a carrier requesting to use competitor services within a small ILEC’s territory, to file an implementation plan with the Commission within 30 days. Telecom Decision 2006-14 lists the type of information that should be included in the plan and the principles the small ILEC should follow when preparing its plan.

Commission staff reminds NorthernTel of this obligation and expects to receive an implementation plan from NorthernTel by 28 October 2012. However, if TCC does not require any additional competitor services beyond those already established for existing competitors and there are no implementation issues associated with TCC’s plans to operate as a CLEC in the Timmins exchange, in lieu of submitting a plan NorthernTel may confirm this information by letter to the Commission, copying TCC, by 28 October 2012.

Yours sincerely,


Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Director, Dispute Resolution and Decisions

cc: Charlene Schneider, TCC,
Hal Reirson, TCC,
Danny Moreau, CRTC, 819-953-5672,
Laurie Ventura, CRTC, 819-997-4589,

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