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Ottawa, 31 August 2012

File No.: 8740-T8-201210111

By Email

Mr. Robert Olenick
Regulatory Analyst
1046 Lithium Drive
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 6G3

Dear Sir:

RE:   Tariff Notice 165 - Revisions to DS-1 Services

On 22 August 2012, the Commission received the above-mentioned tariff notice submitted by Tbaytel, in which the company proposed to add a second band of rates for DS-1 Digital Network Access Services.  The company submitted that its application was a Group B tariff filing.

Paragraph 28(1)(a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may request parties to file information or documents where needed.

Tbaytel is requested to provide comprehensive answers, including rationale and any supporting information, to the attached questions by 11 September 2012.

Consequently, this application will not be approved on an interim basis on the 15th calendar day following receipt.  However, the Commission intends to dispose of this application, along with all associated subsequent revisions, within 45 business days of receipt of the filing.

Yours sincerely,

‘Original signed by M. Murray’

Michel Murray
Director, Regulatory Implementation


c.c.:  Joseph Cabrera, CRTC, (819) 934-6352,



Request for information - Tbaytel TN 165

1. Explain, with supporting rationale, how the addition of a second band of rates reflects the operating environment of Tbaytel’s Thunder Bay exchange, identifying on a map each area in which Tbaytel proposes to charge Band A or Band B rates.  Further indicate the relationship between these areas and Tbaytel’s wire centres.

2. Indicate whether customers can determine the rates that would apply if they requested a DS-1 Access within Tbaytel’s serving territory, identifying the source of such information.  If customers are unable to determine the applicable rates, indicate how the company proposes to make this information available.

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